HSPT Testing
Class of 2025 JHS students, sign up for in-person testing today


Congratulations on being accepted! Below are the two dates available for testing. Students may only take the test once. The test will take place on Jesuit Sacramento’s campus following all current safety protocols. 

  • Saturday, March 13, 2021, morning (must register by March 12)
  • Saturday, March 20, 2021, morning (must register by March 19)

Schedule your HSPT

Step 1: Go to the portal

Schedule HSPT

Step 2: Click the calendar link

Pick one of the two days that work best for your schedule.

If you cannot make it either of these days, please reach out to the Admissions team immediately.

Step 3: Book your spot!

Finally, be prepared to follow protocols when you arrive

Wear a mask, maintain social distance, don’t come if you feel symptomatic or have a sick household member. More details on where to check-in on test day, etc. to come via email.