


Campus Ministry’s primary concern is to prepare each young man for life, leading him to become a faith-filled and value-centered person, within the model of Jesus Christ, centered in our Roman Catholic heritage, and in the tradition of Ignatius of Loyola. All of the religious activities at Jesuit are designed to respect each person’s religious tradition.

Campus Ministry dedicates itself to the task of bringing out in each person those spiritual gifts that lead people towards deeper love of self, others, and God in the building of God’s Kingdom.

Ignatian Spirituality:

  • Finding God in all things
  • Listening with a discerning heart
  • Living for “the Greater Glory of God”

Campus Ministry Team

The Campus Ministry Team, along with the Office of Service and Justice and Theology, helps facilitate the Spiritual/Religious tenant of Ignatian Education. All faculty/staff members are seen as campus ministers in all they do with and for the young men at Jesuit High School. If you have questions or special prayer requests, please call us at (916) 482-6060 x292.

Coordinated by the Office of Campus Ministry


View upcoming Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Kairos Retreats

Retreats are opportunities to cultivate both deeper self-affirmation and acceptance of God’s unconditional love. Freshmen have big brothers as guides and mentors. The school year starts with the  Freshman Retreat. The Sophomore and Junior retreats are organized through Theology class. During the first semester, overnight Junior Retreats take place. Sophomore days of reflection take place during the second semester.  Because of the tested value of peer ministry, these retreats are led by trained Seniors who are part of the Big Brother Program and the Senior Retreat Team. Kairos is a four-day Senior Retreat. Sophomore and Junior Retreats are held at Christ the King Retreat Center and Kairos Retreats are held at Our Lady of the Sierras Retreat Center in Applegate, California.