Academic Support Center
Academic Support Center
Jesuit High School is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive academic learning environment. The Academic Support Center seeks to ensure that all students have full and equal access to this educational environment. We recognize that every student is unique and in keeping with our commitment to Cura Personalis (care for the whole person), Jesuit High School offers programs and support for students with learning differences. Additionally, we assist faculty in their efforts to provide reasonable accommodations and equal access to learning.
Program Services
Students with documented learning differences and/or AD/HD have the opportunity to work closely with the Academic Support Center staff. Some of our services include:
- Creation of an individualized Academic Support Plan based upon the student’s psycho-educational assessment.
- Goal setting and academic planning tailored to your son’s learning differences.
- Coordinating academic accommodations such as extended-time testing, preferential seating, etc.
- Instructing students in study skills and executive skill development.
If you are interested in learning more about our services or how to receive accommodations for your son, please send us a message.
Jesuit High School Standardized Testing Accommodations Submission Policy (PSAT/SAT/ACT)
Getting ready for SAT/ACT accommodations
Any student needing college admissions testing accommodations needs full educational testing to prove the need for the accommodations. This educational testing includes both cognitive and achievement assessments. An example of a common accommodation is extended-time testing. Additionally, students need to be using the accommodations regularly in school and they need to have an Academic Support Plan in place through the Academic Support Center.
California Scholarship Federation
Moderator: Judi Brown
CSF Applications California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an honors organization that recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Spring Semester applications for new and returning members are now available in the front office and in GP206. Membership has academic qualifications – see the application for details. A grade report must be submitted with the application. Applications are due on or before Friday, January 24, 2025 and may be submitted to the Front Office or GP206. Email any questions to Mrs. Brown at
Students who have been members of CSF for four of their last five semesters of high school qualify for a lifetime membership.