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- School Calendar and Bell Schedule (class rotations)
Junior Parent Spring Scheduling Information
Scheduling for current Juniors begins January 15
Greetings, Junior Parents!
Soon counselors will be meeting with your son(s) during collaboration to give them information needed to make their schedule requests for the 2025-2026 school year. We have changed the process this year to make it more efficient while still giving students all the resources they may need.
Many students are unfamiliar with choosing their courses, so I’m reaching out to help. Here are some ways you can support a smooth scheduling process:
Semester 1 Final Grades Now Available
Final grades are now available on PowerSchool - click below to request an emailed copy
Dear Parent(s),
Your son’s 1st Semester GPA and grades are now final and can be found in PowerSchool. To access grades, please use these instructions:
Browser Version: Under Navigation on the left hand side of the screen, select Grade History and 2024-2025. The final semester grades can be found in the column identified as S1.
Counseling Department Directory & Assignments
Meet our Counseling Team, find your Counselor Assignment and how to look up Counseling Group
Students are responsible for knowing their Counselor Assignment and Counseling Group.
2024-2025 Textbook List
What books to order for school (as of July 8, 2024)
Order info
We have worked to provide a streamlined approach in directing you to online merchants from whom you may purchase your course materials. Rather than shopping around online at multiple merchant sites one by one, this link allows you to obtain the same results with just a few simple clicks. It eliminates the need to copy and paste multiple ISBNs over and over again into individual merchant sites in order to find the best deal.
All of our ebooks can now be accessed by any device operating system (windows, iOS, or Mac) via the internet.
School Locker Request
Complete the form to secure your locker for 2024-2025
Student Lockers will be available upon request only. All students interested in having an on-campus locker for the 2024-2025 school year must complete the form below. Once the form is completed, the student will receive an email on their Jesuit email account with his locker number and combination. We will begin sending “locker assignment emails” out to students on August 12, 2024. Locker assignments are not available prior to that date. We will continue to process locker requests after classes begin.
Create account, add money, or check your balance
Easily pay for school meals online this year! Set up or reload your MySchoolBucks account.
Create your free MySchoolBucks account to conveniently and securely add money to your student’s meal account online or with the mobile app. This allows us to focus on serving meals as fast and efficiently as possible. With MySchoolBucks, you’ll also be able to view cafeteria purchases, check your student’s balance, and receive low-balance alerts.
View the Community Schedule
Club meetings, social gatherings, tutoring, and more
We encourage all our students to participate in community time. See all the community time opportunities by day on the community calendar. Remember to always check our online school calendar for the most current schedule as things may change or update.
View the Collaboration Period Schedule
In the back of your printed calendar, there is a full collaboration schedule. Remember to always check our online school calendar for the most current schedule as things may change or update from the time of printing.
Important Dates for the Academic Year
Current and Upcoming Year Calendar Planning — First Day, Holidays, Finals
This quick “at-a-glance” calendar includes major school holidays and traditions that our school year is built around. Around July 15, a more detailed calendar will be published on our website, and current families will receive a printed calendar in the mail.
Moorings Out!
Read the latest edition of our student's Art & Literary publication
View the online flipbook at /Moorings
Semester 2 Final Grades Now Available
Final grades are now available on PowerSchool, emailed copies available by request
Dear Parent(s),
Your son’s 2nd Semester GPA and grades are now final and can be found in PowerSchool. To access grades, please use these instructions:
Browser Version: Under Navigation, select Grade History and 2023-2024. The final semester grades can be found in the column identified as S2.
Carpooling & Bus Information
Learn more about the Placer Bus Group and how to contact other families in your area to coordinate carpools.
Naviance Student
College Planning
Help students establish meaningful post-secondary goals and connect those goals with their coursework and college planning activities.
BSN Sideline Shop 24/7
Nike brand and general spirit apparel on demand
Nike brand and general spirit apparel on demand! Go, Big Red!
Dress Code FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about the school dress code
Do I need a blazer on “Dress Attire” days and does it need to be branded for Jesuit?
No, on Dress Attire days, which are usually for Mass, students do not need to wear a blazer. If you would like to wear a blazer, sport coat, or suit they do not need to be Jesuit branded. (We do not sell any branded sport coats in any of our stores.)
Can students wear shorts for Standard Dress?
Yes. Like the pants, they must be khaki-style or chino-style shorts. No athletic shorts are permitted outside of PE/Athletics. Pants and shorts must be a solid color.
Are You Photo Ready?
Quick reminders for our parents, students, freelancers and media
We are a school first. Help us keep our sidelines and campus safe for our students. Per CIF regulations and Jesuit Communications policy, you must be cleared and have a media badge for sideline access and to photo/video at events.
Weekly Email Update
Jesuit Sacramento's weekly communication to parents and students
Formerly called Staying Connected, this update provides parents, students, faculty, and staff valuable information about happenings at Jesuit High School Sacramento.
We also invite our greater Jesuit Sacramento community to read this newsletter to find out what is happening at 1200 Jacob Lane and to keep in touch with your Marauders.
Join the FUN! Be a VIP!
Learn more about Volunteer Requirements and Tracking through HelperHelper
Why Volunteer at Jesuit?
- Build community in and around Jesuit High School
- Meet new families and friends
- Build friendships that last well beyond your years at Jesuit
- Give back and support the school with your time
Volunteering in FUN!
Student Drop-off/Pick-up and Morning Access to Campus
Please remember to respect neighbors and use designated drop-off areas, use new pedestrian access
Early morning access to campus – Main Entrance | O’Donnell and Fair Oaks Gate
Our campus will remain closed until the O’Donnell Gates open at 6:00am each morning. Students arriving for early morning practices, class meetings, or other campus activities should access campus through the Main Entrance O’Donnell Gate off Fair Oaks Blvd.
Freshman and Sophomores – American River Drive
- Drop-off along American River Drive
- No U-turns, please watch for bikers and pedestrians
- Students walk and enter campus off American River Drive through pedestrian gates by Parking Lot E
- Remember always park on the school side of the street and be respectful of neighbors
- Students should avoid crossing American River Drive, except at designated crosswalks
New crosswalk and pedestrian access gate/path
We have recently completed construction of the new pedestrian access gate on American River Drive. This gate and the new associated walking path provide a safe means for students to access campus without having to cross through the parking lot. In addition, this new gate provides a means to appropriately secure access to campus during the school day. We ask all freshmen and sophomore students to utilize the new pedestrian gate and walking path to enter campus during the morning drop-off period as well the after school pick-up period. The pedestrian gate will open at 7:00am each morning and will remain open until approximately 15 minutes after the start of the school day.
Juniors and Seniors – near Chapel/Gym
Campus Security: Item Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures
Go through Dean's Office during school hours to drop items off for students
Did your student forget something?
Use Jacob Lane Entrance and Dean’s Office/Main Office for item pick-up/drop-off
If you need to pick up or drop off an item for your son during the school day, please do so on Jacob Lane through the Dean’s Office, and not from the Fair Oaks entrance near the Gym/Harris Center area. Our Campus Security Team works hard to identify people who are coming onto campus during the course of the school day and your attention to this drop-off/pick-up procedure will help them to maintain the safety of everyone on c
Suicide & Crisis Support
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Hot Lines, Text Lines, Online Resources
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Hotline / Textline
Call 988
24hr National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
National Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
(a caring professional will text you back immediately)
Student Insurance Coverage
If you are interested in insurance to cover your student in the event of illness or accident, forms are available by clicking on the attached link. Dental and pharmacy coverage are also available as an option.
Jesuit Social Media Use and Accounts
Social media and online presence are critical pieces of Jesuit High School Sacramento’s brand and overall communications outreach to internal and external audiences.