Yearbook Distribution
Pick up your FREE yearbook

Arts Senior Quad
A student band plays during the 2024 Cutlass Distribution Event

It is time to pick up your Cutlass Yearbook! 

The planned distribution date is Friday, May 9, 2025 in the Senior Quad.

Please note that this is the planned date. The books have not arrived yet, and depending on the book arrival date, the distribution event may be postponed. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Watch for more updates as the date approaches

Your yearbook is FREE! – Your yearbook is covered in your tuition, so no need to order a book online or in person. Just show up and get your book.


  • FIRST, before writing anything in your personal copy of the yearbook, please CHECK CAREFULLY that your book has no printing flaws such as blank/missing, upside-down or wrinkled pages. If you discover concerns in your book, please bring it to our Distribution Headquarters (CH104) before you write in the book. Once you have written in the book, it’s most likely YOURS TO KEEP
  • THEN, write your name in the book so it can be easily identified and is better protected against theft.
  • FINALLY, our staff tried to make sure that we have created an inclusive yearbook with as few mistakes as possible. If you have any concerns about the book, or recommendations for next year, please put them in writing, suggest a way to solve the problem, and email them to us. Please realize this yearbook is created by students for students. 


We will have 8 tables set out on the Senior Quad outside Chabanel Hall and the Harris Center. There are 2 tables for each class, and each table will be separated into last name groups: A-D, E-L, M-R, S-Z.