CORE Launch
Jesuits West Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity
Individuals, organizations, schools, groups and businesses are invited!
Join justice leaders from across Jesuit ministries for the launch of the Jesuits West Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE) on Sept 9, at 7:00 pm. This will be an opportunity to come together, pray with Provincial Fr. Scott Santarosa, hear what is happening around the Province, share and learn about the plans in Sacramento to take action for racial equity and get out the vote this fall!
What is C.O.R.E? Jesuits West CORE is the “Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity”
Why September 9th? This day is the Feast Day of Peter Claver, a patron saint of racial justice. Register to hear more about this exciting new initiative, what’s happening in your region and how to get involved.
#JesuitsWestCORE #Jesuits