School Day SAT (Seniors only)
Jesuit Students Only


As of March 2024, the SAT is only offered in digital format. Seniors had their first experience with this format in October 2023 when they took the Digital PSAT; the Digital SAT is identical in format and length to the Digital PSAT. To help ensure current seniors have a chance to take the SAT this fall at Jesuit, we will be offering a special school day Digital SAT test administration in the afternoon on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. 

The exam will take place in the afternoon, beginning with a 12:00pm arrival and check-in on campus and a 1:00pm start time for the exam. The test will last approximately two and a half hours with a ten minute break between sections. 

This special test administration is only open to current seniors (there will be no exceptions made). The registration fee is $70.00. These fees reflect the cost to order the exam and the projected cost associated with administering the tests.  It is imperative that you complete the online registration form and pay for the exam by Tuesday, September 10 so we can submit our order in front of the College Board’s ordering deadline.

For the October 9 school day administration of the Digital SAT, Jesuit students need to provide their own test-approved device. Please note that this is different from the Digital PSAT in October. That means students are responsible for doing the following:

Confirm that you have a test-approved device you can bring on October 9. Personal Chromebooks are not supported. iPads may or may not be supported depending on model, OS, and peripherals like keyboard, so we suggest arranging to bring a different device. Students who register for the test on October 9 and show up without a test-approved device will not be seated for the exam. 

Download the College Board’s Bluebook app for your testing device. Check that your current operating system can run the Bluebook app by opening it, logging in to your College Board account, and then trying a practice test.

For more information about the new digital format of this College Board test, you can visit the College Board’s Digital SAT website.

To register, please click here.  The registration window will remain open through Tuesday, September 10 at 4:00pm.  Note that we will not be able to order late exams for this test administration.  Once students have registered and we have ordered exams, we will communicate more detailed information as the test date approaches.  

We continue to offer testing with accommodations for students who qualify and have been approved by the College Board.  Students with previous College Board approved accommodations will automatically receive those accommodations.  Students hoping to test with accommodations, who are not currently College Board approved, please see Mrs. Wagner or Mr. O’Connor ASAP.  The link below offers additional guidance for parents.