Barry Gym Renovation Project Update

Spring 2020
Scissor lift with man working on HVAC in the middle of the gym.

The Barry Gym project, which began in summer 2019, qualifies as an essential infrastructure project in California, and even under the stay-at-home orders, Phase Two work is underway to keep the project on deadline. With safety measures put in place to ensure staff limits their chances of exposure, the crew is working daily to ensure all updates are completed before the start of the 2020-2021 academic year.

When first constructed in the mid-’60s, the gymnasium and adjacent annex, or “Little Theater,” as it was known at the time, only had heating. With an outpouring of support from donors, Phase One was completed in June 2019 and focused on structural improvements and the installation of HVAC units by Clarke & Rush. For the first time in its history, the iconic Barry Gym welcomed students to a cool air-conditioned venue. Phase Two focuses on all the finishes—new paint scheme on the court, complete paint and new graphics on the walls, new retractable bleachers with a special home section that includes chairs with seatbacks, lobby update, and a student and alumni Brotherhood Wall. The entire space will have new lighting and a state-of-the-art sound system. Additionally, the gym annex will transform into the Jesuit Sacramento Welcome Center, a multi-purpose area for hosting events, classes, socials, and a new retail space hosted by the Loyola Guild.

When finished in early fall, the Barry Gym project will provide a dynamic environment for the Jesuit campus hosting Masses, rallies, fundraisers, student orientations, community events, and classic Marauder athletics.

Supporters interested in purchasing a seatback or placing a name on the Brotherhood Wall still have time to do so until June 15 by visiting the website or contacting: Maureen Banchero Longyear