Lighting Project to be heard by Board of Supervisors
Appeal date set for June 4, still time to submit letters of support!


In response to an appeal filed by the opposition against the Planning Commission’s unanimous vote in support of the lights, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hear the Jesuit Lighting Permit Use Amendment request on June 4, 2024. 

Send your letter of support now!

Jesuit remains committed to the project and installation of permanent lighting in Marauder Stadium and will navigate this challenge with transparency and diligence. The effort to seek a Use Permit Amendment for permanent lighting began in 2021 and has gone through an exhaustive environmental review and the many phases of the county’s required processes. 

Letters of support are still being accepted - and are needed! Even if you previously sent one earlier this year – please do so again and email your comment in support of the lights to

Please send in a letter of support – include your name and city. If you are a neighbor of the school or a Sacramento County business owner, please note that, too! Members of the public may send a written comment, which is distributed to the Supervisors and filed in the record. Email your comment in support of the lights to or, for those that reside in Sacramento County, directly to your district supervisor. Please note this is for Jesuit Stadium Lights PLNP2021-00262 (It would be appreciated if you forward a copy to us at 

The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors agenda can be viewed here. Jesuit is item #49 to be heard at 2:30 p.m.

Supporters are welcome to attend – we encourage you to wear red, and please arrive at the chambers between 1:30 – 2:00 p.m. 

Board Chambers are located at 700 H Street, Suite 1450, Sacramento, CA 95814 | Driving and parking​ directions