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Jesuit Alumni hit the golf course in full swing Photo gallery October 5, 2020 Joe Watanabe ’21 PreviousFrom left to right: Alumni Chaplain Rev. Edwin B. Harris, S.J., Director of Admissions & Alumni Relations Mr. Matthew Ramos ’05, and New Admissions and Alumni Relations Associate Mr. Christopher Marshall ’03 greet players as they arrive at the first tee, passing out gift bags and refreshments, while wearing masks for safety precaution. Taken at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California.A group of four Jesuit High School Sacrmento alumni stand on the green of hole number one at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course as Kyle Tooley ’13 attempts a long putt early in the morning of Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California.The 8:30 a.m. tee time of Jesuit alumni tee off on hole number three at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course, Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California. Three out of four players stand on the green of hole number one at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course as the player on the right attempts a putt for bogey. Taken on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California.A sign, found on the first tee at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course, reminds players to maintain six feet social distance from each other at all times. Taken on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California.Ancil Hoffman Golf Course sanitizes and labels every golf cart with the tee time of each group in preparation for Jesuit’s alumni golf outing on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California.Jesuit alumni hit the range to warm up their swings before their midmorning tee times at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course, Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 in Carmichael, California. Next1234567