Ali Zaidi ’25: everything, everywhere, all at once

Plank Article Lucas Darling ’26

Ali Zaidi ’25 cemented his extraordinary legacy at Jesuit High School Sacramento through his extensive work in the arts, science, and academic communities on campus and in the larger community. 

Over the years, Ali has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Echelon Catapult, the President of the Computer Science Club, and the editor-in-chief for Moorings. He puts effort into all aspects of his work and life, expertly leading and organizing events in his co-curriculars.

“Ali’s leadership style is very fluid in nature – he can switch between informal and formal very quickly, which is nice, since it makes doing difficult work much easier,” Koen Miyashiro ’25 said.  “He does a good job of managing yearly events while keeping everyone up to date in real time with what events are happening and who needs help.”

Ali believes an effective leader knows how to balance exercising their own authority versus letting others take initiative. 

“Being a leader is knowing when to step up and take the lead, but also knowing when to step back and give someone else an opportunity to lead,” Ali said. “That’s how I got my experience being a leader – other people giving me the opportunity to step up. It’s the least I can do to give other people that same opportunity.”

Computer Science Teacher Mr. Peter Strawn ’04 attests to Ali’s ability to create a friendly environment. 

“Ali is passionate about bringing other people into the field of computer science or whatever he’s interested in; he’s welcoming,” Mr. Strawn said. “He’s very good about welcoming them and greeting them and being very positive and enthusiastic. He always greets new members, gets to know them, asks their names, and really wants other people to be involved. He shares an infectious interest.”

Ali also contributes greatly to the classroom environment, setting an example for how to approach academics.

“He’s very engaged intellectually,” Mr. Strawn said. “I think that can not only be a good example for his peers, but it also sets a high standard in terms of what it’s like to engage intellectually with something.

Through his hard work in many areas at Jesuit, Ali has established himself as a pillar of the community, forming friendships that will last beyond high school.

“Ali is genuinely the most brilliant guy I’ve met in years,” Koen said. “He balances this with a lot of more social aspects such as good humor and kindness, making him one of my most valued friends.”