Back to School Night grants parents a promising start to the school year

Plank Article Aiden Thomas '27 Jason De Guzman ’25

On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, Jesuit High School Sacramento will hold its annual Back to School Night. 

While Back to School Night functions roughly the same between classes, each teacher has a different style of presenting. For English Teacher Mr. Kyle Trivits, his presentation revolves around giving parents and guardians the student experience.

“I try to accomplish two things,” Mr. Trivits said.“I want parents to experience my class, to get a taste of what it’s like for their students day to day. And the second thing is an overview. What sorts of things I hope to accomplish, my goals, and the ways I go about accomplishing those goals.”

For French Teacher Ms. Leslie Wilson, her top priority of the evening is encouraging parents to help their students to succeed.

“I like to show [parents and guardians] all of the resources that students have at their disposal,” Ms. Wilson stated. “I try to show them how to use the different resources or how to help their students use the different resources to be successful.”

These presentations are essential for parents to better understand their son’s teachers. Director of Development Ms. Kim Kalmbach, who is also a current Jesuit parent, looks specifically at each teacher’s expectations and style of communication. 

“My favorite part of Back to School Night is meeting each teacher and learning what the expectations are of the class,” Ms. Kalmbach said. “It’s really important to hear directly from the teacher on his/her teaching style and to learn what will be expected of my son this year. I look for a sense of how the teacher will conduct his/her class, how he/she approaches teaching and their ‘style’ of communication. I like to build a relationship with each teacher, which helps if there are questions later on.”

For Ms. Kalmbach, Back to School Night reassures her about the faculty and staff who are spending time with her sons.

“What I remember most about last year’s back to school night is walking away from the evening with a much better sense of who my son will be spending so much time with during the semester,” Ms. Kalmbach says.  “I felt so confident that he was in good hands, not only with the teachers but also the care from the administration.”

Jesuit’s Back to School Night starts at 6:30 p.m. with a presentation in the Father Barry Gymnasium.