Freshman Overnight, an initiation into the brotherhood

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

On the evening of Saturday, Aug. 24, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Freshman Class of ’28 had an experience they will never forget. A night filled with games, prayer, and community bonding, the Freshman Overnight Retreat served as a way to welcome this year’s freshmen into the Jesuit community.

Student Activities Director Mr. Peter Ferrari was an integral part in coordinating an evening full of fun and games. During this time, freshmen at the retreat were able to connect with their classmates and form relationships that will last throughout high school.

“[The retreat offered] a shared experience, an opportunity for the Freshman to get to know and bond with their classmates,” Mr. Ferrari said, “[They got] a shared experience, an opportunity to step out of their routine and explore a little bit of their relationship with God, and explore who they are in this community.”

Along with the games, other activities included a class mass, a scavenger hunt across campus, and an alumni speaker Mr. David Grega ’03. 

Director of Campus Ministry Mr. Paul LeBeouf was thrilled to have Mr. Grega return and give his message that being in the Jesuit brotherhood is permanent.

“One of the highlights was Mr. David Grega coming back and speaking as an alum, class of ’03,” Mr. LeBeouf said. “He was phenomenal. He talked about how his brotherhood here at Jesuit has influenced his life throughout everywhere he’s gone, from the army to his current job.”

Since the freshmen are new to the Jesuit community, Mr. Ferrari believes that the Freshman Overnight was a successful way for them to get an introduction to the community and brotherhood at Jesuit.

“Frosh overnight is a retreat for freshmen where we hope to give them great experiences, where they learn a little bit more about being a Jesuit student, about being part of the brotherhood,” Mr. Ferrari said.

Like every student who was once a freshman at Jesuit, each member of the class of ’28 was assigned one senior class big brother to help guide them through their freshman year. “Big brothers” played a key role in the Freshman Overnight Retreat, and Kai Switlick ’25 is one of them. Kai is grateful for the personal growth he gained from this experience, along with the opportunity to leave his mark with the future of Jesuit.

“I signed up to be a big brother because I knew it would be a great experience, both for myself and the freshman that I would guide,” Kai said. “I also wanted to leave a positive impact on these freshmens’ lives and form meaningful relationships with them.”

The Freshman Overnight Retreat was a night that set up the Freshman Class of ’28 for four years of friendships and brotherhood at Jesuit. Big brothers and the Jesuit staff leaders alike agree that the retreat was a great success, creating moments of fun and of self-reflection.