Nurturing relationships at the Mother-Son Mass
On Sunday, Oct. 27, Jesuit High School Sacramento hosted its annual Mother-Son Mass in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs, showcasing the appreciation and love students have for their mothers and mother figures.
Senior Nicolas Norton ’25 has attended the mass every year during his four years at Jesuit, and enjoys the opportunity to nurture his relationship with his mom.
“I went to the Mother-Son Mass so I could become closer with and have a deeper relationship with my mom,” Nicolas Said. “While we both enjoyed the mass part of the day, it was just a good opportunity to spend time with each other.”
Associate Director for Campus Ministry Mr. Adam McGrew ’15 acknowledges that the mass also helps mothers and sons find God in their relationship.
“God can be found within love, and a huge source of love is the love that the mother or mother figure has for her son,” Mr. McGrew said. “God works through the love of a mother to guide, shape, and direct a son.”
Jack Kornak ’25 has been going to the Mother-Son Mass since his oldest brother attended Jesuit six years ago. The time spent in a spiritual setting has always led him to feel closer to his mother.
“I feel like I gained a deeper connection with my mom that I wouldn’t have achieved by just spending time with her at home,” Jack said. “I feel like at mass we’re able to see God and really be in the presence of God, and it just makes our relationship deeper.”
While the mass is referred to as the Mother-Son Mass, all mother figures are invited. While this encompasses a wide range of role models, Mr. McGrew is particularly happy to see Jesuit students with their grandmothers.
“I’m always struck by how students will often be in attendance with mothers and grandmothers. There’s a multi-generational piece there that I think is really cool, and seeing the impact that not only a mother’s love can have on the life of a son, but also a grandmother’s love on their life is significant,” Mr. McGrew said. “Of course, our parents are on the front lines of raising us, but oftentimes extended family units play a huge role in guiding the development of our students.”
The Mother-Son Mass was a successful event where Jesuit students showed much deserved appreciation to their mothers. Filled with heartwarming experiences and an emphasis on the importance of a mother’s guidance, the mass was an enjoyable time for all involved.