Service and Justice Agency Fair: A Wide Array of Opportunities

Plank Article Preston Le '26 Toby Hekkanen '25

Jesuit High School Sacramento’s annual Service and Justice Agency Fair will take place on Thursday, Sept. 5, during the community period. The fair presents a valuable opportunity for anyone who’s hesitant about their service to connect with various service organizations.

Gordon Kim ’25 recalls how the fair introduced him to Loaves and Fishes, an organization dedicated to providing essentials for homeless adults and children.

“[The fair] gave me an idea of what I was getting myself into, which really helped me, since I’m one of those guys who is really uncomfortable doing things without knowing who I’m doing it for,” Gordon said.

The Service and Justice Agency Fair’s timing also helps students get their hours coordinated quickly and efficiently since it takes place early in the school year. It’s a prime opportunity for everyone to not only set up their service hours but to also help organizations when they need it the most. 

Director of Service and Justice Ms. Sara Brabec believes that the fair helps alleviate the problem of students scrambling to get their service hours in on time.

“We want students to have positive experiences at their service sites,” Ms. Brabec said. “Rushing at the last minute simply to fulfill the requirement denies students the chance to connect more deeply with the communities where they serve. It also deprives agencies of support throughout the year and creates a burdensome volume of requests to ‘help’ around due dates. Students should attend the fair because it’s a great chance to begin (or continue) planning out service, and it’s conveniently scheduled during the school day.”

In addition to the invaluable service opportunities, the Service Fair offers a fun time, with many social activities that will make it an enjoyable experience for all. 

“The Service Fair will be a fun social event along with helping students make connections so that they can make the world a better place,” Associate Director for the Office of Service and Justice Ms. Jessica Fuentes said. “Besides the service requirements that the students have, and to help build those relationships for them and for the agencies in need, there are popsicles and a raffle [for gift cards], where you can collect tickets at different agencies.”

All are welcome to come to the senior quad during the community period on Sept. 5. Whether you want to connect with agencies or are simply trying to have a good time, the Service and Justice Agency Fair has you covered.