Jesuit elects new student council
Every year students at Jesuit High School Sacramento elect new
representatives to the Executive Student Council. On March 22,
2022, Students listened to each candidate’s speeches and voted,
eventually deciding the members of Jesuit’s new student
Jacob Swanson ’23 was elected president; Charles Sander ’23, vice president; Benjamin Condrin ’23, secretary/treasury; Nick Bruce ’23, intramurals commissioner; Dylan McCains ’23, activities coordinator; Zach Ott ’23, publicity coordinator.
The leader of the executive council is the Executive Council President. This position will be filled next year by rising senior Jake Swanson. Jake described how he enjoyed connecting with students during his campaign.
“I loved campaigning and walking around all the classes, just getting to know everyone on a personal level.” Jake said, “Also just getting my plan[s] known so people know that I can get the job done.”
Director of Student Activities Mr. Peter Ferrari works with the Executive Council to make Jesuit great, and was in charge of this year’s election. He explained why he is looking forward to next year’s activities and hopes the Student Council can create an exciting culture on campus.
“I am very excited to work with next year’s Student Council,” Mr. Ferrari said. “I know that they have lots of wonderful ideas, so I’m excited to support them as they put them into practice. I hope that they work to represent the rest of the student body. I hope that they grow as conscientious and compassionate leaders. I hope that they work to promote a joyful environment inclusive of all students.”
Now that he has been elected Student Executive Council President, Jake is already planning for next year.
“The main thing is that I want football games to be awesome again,” Jake said. “We might get lights next year, so if that happens then we really gotta get it going. More dances, I’m gonna try to get a dance during the winter time [...] We need to have intramurals back at lunch times because they don’t really work at community period.”
Next year won’t be Jake’s first foray as a student council member. Jake has represented the current Junior class since his freshman year. Jake said how this will help him going forward.
“I [have] learned a lot [about] how the system works,” Jake said. “I learned how to propose ideas, how to talk to the faculty and the Dean’s Office, which is a set skill.”
Mr. Ferrari explained how more students can apply for student council themselves.
“There are positions that are elected, and there are positions that are earned via application,” Mr. Ferrari said. “We hope that many different students will bring their many different talents to help make our school a better place. I have an ask of the student body: communicate with your representatives on Student Council. Tell them what you want to see, and we will work to make it happen.”