Academic, College, and Wellness Counseling



As you head into finals week next week remember that while it is important to strive for your best on your exams, your health and well-being is even more important. As the posters around campus highlight from the Impact Distracted Driving campaign: Instincts Matter. Instincts matter when you are driving, and instincts matter in our everyday experiences with ourselves and others. Pause, assess, and if necessary Speak Up. For example, if you are in a car and people are not wearing seatbelts trust your instinct to speak up to encourage safety every drive.  If you are on campus and you are noticing someone is not acting in their normal manner speak up and ask him how he is doing. Instincts are given to us as signals to guide us.

If you notice that you yourself or someone else needs additional support please reach out to a trusted adult: a parent, a counselor, a teacher, a coach, or a club moderator. Jesuit High School is dedicated to providing a safe community for all, and you will be connected to resources to assist you. Asking for help is an important practice to develop for lifelong success.

For quick access to resources please see below:

Professional basketball player, Lebron James, just partnered with Calm app and shared his story this week of why he takes care of his psychological health. He talks about the importance of sleep and the importance of taking care of the mind: Take time this week and over break to practice mindfulness, to fuel your body with regular nutrition, to put yourself to bed to catch deeper sleep, and to listen to your body cues around hunger and fullness. 


Study Tips 

Khan Academy 

Contract PE Form 

Course Catalog 

Academic Four Year Plan


Students, please refer to your College Planning Google Classroom for up to date information on testing, applications, scholarship opportunities, deadlines, and upcoming events. 

College Planning Handbook

Naviance Student Login

Big Future