Cutlass Staff Archive
See previous Cutlass staff members listed by school year


Since the first Cutlass yearbook in 1965, dedicated students have created extraordinary and award winning publications full of lifelong memories and friendships.

Use the buttons below to filter lists between school years. 


  • Mr. Chris Chandley ’93 (Advisor)
  • Jack Orcutt ’25 (Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor)
  • Adrian Alvarez ’24 (Senior Artistic Editor; Divider Spread Editor)
  • Ryan Prince ’24 (Portraits Editor)
  • James Andrew ’24 (Assistant Athletic Editor)
  • Jacob Bradshaw ’26 (Photographer)
  • Jake Conahan ’24 (Photographer)
  • Jonah Glover ’26 (Layout Designer)
  • Austin Hedrick ’24 (Layout Designer)
  • Justin Johnson (Athletics Editor)
  • Jan Victor Lecaroz ’24 (Clubs Editor)
  • Lukas Parada Hercules ’24 (Copy Chief)
  • Justin Zara ’24 (Athletics Editor)
  • Beckett Zucker ’24 (Layout Designer)
  • Cole Arnold ’25 (Part-Time Editor)

The cutlass staff poses for a picture in the senior quad

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Chris Chandley ’93 (Advisor), Justin Zara ’24 (Athletics Editor), Jan Victor Lecaroz ’24 (Clubs Editor), Beckett Zucker ’24 (Layout Designer), Jake Conahan ’24 (Photographer), Austin Hedrick ’24 (Layout Designer), Jacob Bradshaw ’26 (Photographer), James Andrew ’24 (Assistant Athletic Editor), Jonah Glover ’26 (Layout Designer), Justin Johnson (Athletics Editor), Adrian Alvarez ’24 (Senior Artistic Editor; Divider Spread Editor), Ryan Prince ’24 (Portraits Editor), Jack Orcutt ’25 (Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor)


  • Mr. Chris Chandley ’93 (Advisor)
  • Hunter Jaskowiak ’23 (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Adrian Alvarez ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • James Beattie ’23 (VPA Layout Artist)
  • Evan Brown ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Allyn Fry ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Aidan Guinn ’25 (Layout Artist)
  • Elijah Jackson ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Justin Johnson ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Gregory Kolber ’23 (Layout Artist)
  • Jan Victor Lecaroz ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Tyler Monroe ’24 (Layout Artist)
  • Brandon Moreno ’23 (Layout Artist & Photographer)
  • Jack Orcutt ’25 (Layout Artist)
  • Ryan Prince ’24 (Photoshop Artist)
  • David Ramos-Lasso ’24 (Assistant to the Head Sports Editor)
  • Rex Rector ’23 (Layout Artist)
  • Ian Rexroad ’23 (Layout Artist)
  • Alexander Sottosanti ’23 (Head Sports Editor)
  • Nico Taylan ’23 (Layout Artist)
  • George Tsakopoulos ’25 (Layout Artist)
  • William Turk ’23 (Art Section Editor)
  • Justin Zara ’24 (Layout Artist)