Need or Have Extra Graduation Tickets?
Extras are managed by your Senior Class Parent Representative
If you are looking to share extra tickets or get a few additional for family, please reach out to the parent volunteers who are coordinating the ticket pool. Ticket exchanges are not managed through the main office.
Each graduate has received 10 tickets for this year’s Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, May 21. If your family needs a few more, there are a couple of ways to request them.
Request more
First, families are encouraged to network amongst themselves to see who may have any extra tickets to spare. If you aren’t able to find any that way, the formal request process is outlined below.
Jill Kornak, Senior Class Parent Representative, is the point person for the Extra Graduation Ticket Process. If you need extra tickets, please send her an email at with the following information:
- Your Name and Your Graduates Name
- Number of Tickets Requested
Jill will wait for about a week before distributing tickets to the families on the waitlist. Please be sure to update Jill if your needs change after your initial request. Please also note that school policy indicates that each family can receive no more than 20 tickets.
Share extras
If you do not have use for all 10 of the tickets allotted to your family, please email Jill at and let her know how many you’d like to turn back in. They will go into the distribution pool for the families who need them.