Permission for use
Request permission to use the official Jesuit logo, name, and/or approval of design


Thank you for reaching out to us! We welcome all of our Jesuit community to celebrate and share the go, big red spirit in many ways. However, we ask that you first check in with us before creating anything with the school name or logos. Please fill out the permission form so a team member can get back to you. Under the request area we ask you be sure to include…

  • Which logo you would like to use (color shield with Jesuit High School, just Jesuit High School name, JHS with cross, or the Marauder mascot)
  • How you would like to use the logo (ie. thank you sponsor banner, parent club fundraiser t-shirt, etc)

This applies to all first instances of use including digital, print, and apparel. Having trouble bringing that vision to life? Submit a creative request, we are here to help.

Have a sample or mock-up to share? Attach gif, jpg, png or pdfs.