Summer School FAQs – High School Academic Courses
Frequently Asked Questions


My son is an incoming freshman and I was looking for the Marauder Seminar class but I didn’t see it online. Is there still a class that prepares students to start at Jesuit as a freshman student?

Incoming freshman students are encouraged to consider the Jesuit Prep class – formerly known as The Marauder Seminar. This class is a great fit for any student who will start at Jesuit in the fall of 2025. During this class, the students will begin the summer required reading assignment including taking proper notes, exploring the important plot points, character development and new vocabulary. This helps take the pressure of students AND parents to get this assignment started and help get ready for the exam in the fall. Students will meet and get to know some of the other students who will become their classmates in the fall – starting some of those life-long friendships that they’ll always remember. Students will become more comfortable and ready to start their classes in the fall by getting to know some of their new teachers and expectations as members of the class of 2028. Students will work on organization, proper study habits, and personal accountability. They’ll become familiar with how technology is utilized on campus including how Google Classroom is used to communicate with teachers and how assignments are posted. They’ll review and reinforce important math concepts that they will build on during their career at Jesuit and in college. All of this is geared to make your son’s transition to Jesuit smooth, successful and less stressful. This class runs from Monday, June 10th through Friday, June 28th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Is there a textbook required for the class?

Most courses require a traditional (paper) textbook or ebook. The textbook list will be available on May 1st on our website and will be emailed out to families who have already registered for a high school level academic course.  In classes where an ebook is required, students will need to bring their own tablet or other electronic device to access the material while on campus in class. Please note: accessing an ebook on a smart phone in class will not be acceptable. Each student will be provided with access to wifi on campus. Traditional (paper) textbooks should be purchased using the online vendor of your choice. Be sure to search for the ISBN number for the required book(s) to be sure that the correct item is purchased. Students are required to have the textbook or ebook in their possession for the first day of class. Please be careful to pay attention to shipping times and order processing times when ordering textbooks. Some websites may show a rapid shipping time but may not mention a 7-10 day order processing time. Some used copies of textbooks may be available. We do our best to minimize costs whenever possible. Jesuit High School does not provide the textbooks for Summer courses. 

Will students be required to have a laptop or tablet in class?

Yes. Students will be required to access Google Classroom, their Jesuit assigned email account and other online resources. Some classes will require an ebook and other classes may require a traditional (paper) textbook. If an ebook is required, students will need to access this resource during class and after school for homework and assignments. For ebooks, a smartphone will not be sufficient. Each student will be given access to the wireless internet service on Jesuit’s campus.

How will the teacher distribute materials to students?

Some teachers may choose to use Google Classroom to communicate and distribute materials. Other online resources for taking quizzes and assessments may also be required and will be discussed at the orientation session. Each teacher will provide instruction about how to use any required platform. Students are responsible for all information communicated using these platforms. Please review the syllabus provided by the teacher for more information. 

Attendance and Accommodations

What if my student is registered for a class and we want to take a vacation? Can they just be absent and make up the work later?

No. Our attendance policy allows a student to miss:

1 day between 6/11/25 and 6/27/25

1 day between 6/30/25 and 7/18/25

If a student exceeds 1 absence per semester as described above, we are not permitted to grant credit for the course. All absences are strongly discouraged. Summer School moves too fast and covers too much information in a short amount of time that students should not plan to miss any days, if possible.  Missing a day of class is comparable to missing a week of instruction in a regular school semester. Vacations should be scheduled before or after summer school.

What are the attendance guidelines? What do I do if my son/daughter is ill and unable to attend?

Students are allowed a maximum of 2 absences total for a full year course (1 day between 6/11/25 and 6/27/25 and 1 day between 6/20/25 and 7/18/25.) If a student is going to be absent or late to school, the parent should call the attendance line (916) 480-2135 and leave a message by 9:00AM to report the absence or tardy. If a student is absent and the parent has not reported the absence, the parent will receive a phone message to help ensure that they are aware of the absence.

If a family anticipates a future absence, parents should contact the Office for Summer Programs first. Refer to the class syllabus for the teacher’s policies regarding make-up work related to absences. The teacher’s contact information via email will be listed in the class syllabus as well.

How much time does a high school level credit course require? How much homework should my son/daughter expect?

Summer school courses operate at an accelerated pace compared to the regular school year. Students should also expect between 2-5 hours of homework everyday depending on the student’s study habits and time management skills.

What if my son/daughter has an IEP or 504 plan? What accommodations are available?

With the fast pace of these classes and the limitations that the schedule presents, accommodations are a challenge. We are only able to offer extended time testing for final exams to those students who submit their IEP or 504 documentation. Documents should be uploaded to the student’s profile in the registration portal. Please feel free to contact the Office for Summer Programs well in advance of the first day of classes to explore available accommodations. 

Class Format, Grading, Course Credits

Will there be tests? Final Exams?

Yes. There will be assessments throughout the course including a final exam each semester. Teachers will specify in their syllabus any expectations for testing.

How does grading work?

All credit courses will use a standard grading system. Classes are broken up into two semesters. Semester One will run from 6/11/25 to 6/27/25 with the semester 1 final exam on Monday, 6/30/25. Semester Two will run from 6/30/25 to 7/18/25. the second semester final exam is given on Friday, 7/18. A letter grade is issued for each semester (semester 1 and semester 2 separately) and is listed on the student’s transcript as two separate grades. There is not a pass/fail option. Grade reports are sent at the quarter and semester via email to the student and the parent. 

Is tutoring available? Can you recommend an outside tutor?

Teachers will have some limited office hours after school to help students with questions and challenging concepts. Please see the teacher’s syllabus for more information. We are not permitted to make recommendations for outside tutoring resources for safety reasons. 

When do courses begin and end?

Full year course (2 semesters): June 11, 2025 – July 18, 2025. Some enrichment courses begin on Monday, June 9, 2025. Please review the start and end dates for each course carefully. 

Does my student’s class really start on a Wednesday?

Yes – some classes do start on a Wednesday. Please pay close attention to the start dates for each course. Many credit courses begin on Wednesday, June 11th. This was done to accommodate some public schools where the regular school year’s classes end on Monday, June 9th or later. Classes meet Monday through Friday (exception: no classes or camps are held on June 19th and July 4th for Federal Holidays.)

How do the students communicate with the teacher?

Students will be issued a Jesuit gmail account and are responsible for all of the information communicated to them using this email account. The account log-in and password will be sent out to the family email address during the two weeks prior to the start of class. 

Students are highly encouraged to log-in to this account as soon as the credentials are received in order to have a chance to troubleshoot if necessary. The first email the students will see is a Student Behavior Contract that will include a google form to complete that shows that the student has read and understands the expectations set by Jesuit High School. (We do this to help make sure that the student is able to successfully log on to their email and utilize google forms.) Students should use this email account when communicating with their teacher.

Are classes/camps held on July 4th? 

There are no classes or camps are held on July 4th in observance of the Federal Holiday. Classes resume Monday. July 7th.

Are classes/camps held on June 19th?

There are no classes or camps held on June 19th in observance of the Federal Holiday. Classes resume on Friday, June 20th. 

I have questions about my son/daughter’s class or academic performance. Whom should I contact?

Consistent, timely, and open communication among teachers, students, and parents is essential to supporting students along their journey while partnering with parents, the student’s primary educators. Jesuit High School utilizes various communication platforms that support quality communication (see the Academics section of our Student Parent Handbook for more details about these platforms) though email is the primary means of direct communication. Inevitably, situations arise where greater clarity is needed or where a conflict arises that requires resolution among the school, the parents, and the student. In order to promote consistent communication, to allow decisions and situations to be resolved at the proper level, and to promote the development of quality communication skills for students, Jesuit implements the following process for communication and conflict resolution. In almost all instances, Jesuit asks that students are the first to communicate with a teacher/coach/moderator when there is a need for a resolution, clarification, or further dialogue. If the student does not feel the question or concern is resolved as a result of the initial outreach, the student’s parents should reach out to the teacher/ coach/ moderator. Jesuit High School realizes that some students may need extra support in crafting a message or preparing to talk to a teacher/ coach/ moderator and we encourage parents to work with their sons if needed. In other cases, it may be necessary for a parent to reach out first if the circumstances require. In these cases, it is important for parents to note the circumstances preventing the initial student initiated contact. If, after the student and the parents have attempted to find a resolution through direct contact with the appropriate teacher/ coach/ moderator, then we ask that the parent contact the Office for Summer Programs. If a family does not attempt to find resolution with the appropriate person at the proper level, the school will ask that this inquiry be redirected before being considered by the supervisor. The school also realizes that there are times when the concern or conflict requires that the supervisor is contacted first. In these cases, it is important for the student or parent to note the circumstances preventing the initial communication to the teacher/ coach/ moderator. For the full policy, please click here to view our Student Parent Handbook and refer to page 8.

How do I request a transcript?

Transcripts are automatically sent to the student’s current school at the end of the course. There is no need to request that a transcript be sent. A parent of a non – Jesuit student can request that their student’s transcript not be sent by visiting our website at before 12 midnight on Wednesday, July 23rd. For Jesuit students grades are automatically added to their transcript and calculated into their GPA. Any desire to not include a grade on a Jesuit transcript is not automatic. Jesuit student requests for excluding a grade from a transcript must be brought to the attention of the Director of Summer Programs and the Assistant Principal for Academics in writing via email prior to July 17th.  Please contact the Office for Summer Programs to explore this option. Transcripts are mailed out to schools on Thursday, July 24th and are not available prior to that date. 

Are these courses UC approved?

Yes. Jesuit High School is a college preparatory high school. All of the credit courses are UC a-g approved.

Are these courses NCAA approved?


Registration and Course Requests

I have registered my student for the requested class. What else do I need to do to be ready for the first day of class?

1. You will receive an email on May 6th confirming your student’s final placement in the requested course. Confirmation of course placement will not be available prior to that date. All students will be placed in the order that they registered. We do our best to accommodate all course requests while still maintaining teacher / student ratios in the classroom.  

2. The textbook list is made available and send to registered families via email on May 1st. Please allow for processing and shipping time when ordering the textbook. Students are required to have the textbook in their possession on the first day of class to ensure a successful start to their summer class. 

2. Please review the email that we will send out to the family email address (arriving approximately 1 week prior to class starting). This will contain your student’s Jesuit gmail log-in and password. For current Jesuit students: please continue to use your Jesuit email account. 

What if I have already registered and I want to make changes to the classes that my student is registered for? Can I make changes online?

No. If you need to change or cancel a camp, please send us an email at We’ll contact you and we are happy to help. 

When does registration close for academic classes?

Registration is available for classes with open seats up to Friday, May 30th. If a class is closed, we may take names on the waiting list. Please check the registration page on the website for the most up-to-date information regarding closed classes and waiting lists.

I’ve already registered. When will I know if my son/daughter is confirmed in the class?

Class confirmations for students who register by May 1st will be sent out via email on May 6th. It is not possible to confirm a students’ enrollment in a class prior to this date. It is highly recommended that Textbook orders be made as soon as students are confirmed in their class.

What are my student’s chances of getting into the class requested?

We do our very best to accept all students while still maintaining good teacher/student ratios and high quality instruction. Over the past few years, we have not had to turn students away but each year is different. It really just depends on enrollment.

Do we ever cancel courses for low enrollment?

Yes, but only when absolutely necessary. We have minimum enrollment requirements. If a course is canceled due to low enrollment you will receive a full refund. In this scenario, the family will be contacted via email and a response requested. 

Tuition and Financial Aid

When is tuition due?

Tuition is due in full by May 30th and should be paid online by logging on to the registration portal at 

Students / families who have not paid their full tuition payment by May 30th can be dropped from the course and will not be permitted to attend the first day of classes. Every attempt will be made in good faith via email and phone to communicate and assist parents / guardians prior to the start of classes to remedy any discrepancies or non-payment status. 

If you choose a multiple automatic payment option where your credit card is charged on April 30th and May 30th, we will honor that arrangement. Exceptions are subject to approval by the Director for Summer Programs  Please contact the Office for Summer Programs if you have questions regarding this requirement. We are happy to help. 

What payment options do we accept?

We accept credit card payments via the registration portal listed above. If you do not wish to pay by credit card, please contact us at 

Is financial aid available?

Financial aid for the high school program is only available for current Jesuit students. To apply, please contact us via email at We will send you an application. You should register your student for the class and only pay the mandatory $50 registration fee to begin the process.

Do I have to wait until course confirmations are sent out to pay tuition?

No. If you did not choose an “automatic payment” plan, you will need to return to the summer school site and log into your summer school account to make the tuition balance payment by May 30. Feel free to pay the tuition any time before May 30. Refunds can be made available at the discretion of the Director of Summer Programs. Students who have not successfully paid tuition in full by May 30th can be dropped from the course and not permitted to attend the online orientation and first day of class.

What if I have already registered and I want to make changes to my payment plan? Can I make changes online?

No. If you need to change or cancel a camp, please send us an email at We’ll contact you and we are happy to help. 

Can I drop a course after it starts? What are the refund policies?

Refunds of tuition paid can be awarded depending on the timing of the request. Requests must be submitted by a parent or guardian listed on the original registration forms in writing via email to Cancellation requests submitted by a student only will not be considered. The time and date stamp on the emailed request will be used to determine refund eligibility. Jesuit High School is not responsible for technology issues or delays related to refund requests. 

If a request to cancel a high school level academic or enrichment course is received prior to the first day of the requested course, the family is eligible for a 100% refund of the tuition fees paid to date. The registration fee is not refundable.

If a request to cancel registration in a high school level academic or enrichment course is received by 5:00p on the third day of class (6/13/25 for full year courses or 7/2/25 for second term one-semester courses), the family would be eligible for a 50% refund of the tuition fees paid to date. 

If a request to cancel registration in a high school level academic course or enrichment course is received after 5:00p third day of class (6/13/25 for full year courses or 7/2/25 for second term one-semester courses), the family would not be eligible for a refund of the tuition fees paid to date. 

The final interpretation of the refund and cancellation policies is at the discretion of the Director for Summer Programs.