Terms and Conditions for High School Level Academic Courses
Terms and Conditions
This document contains the terms and conditions for registration and participation in Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Summer Programs for 2025. These policies are subject to change and will be available online on the registration portal and on our website at www.summeratjesuit.com. Significant changes to these policies will be communicated as they occur to families with a completed registration via the primary email address listed on the registration account.. We can not describe every scenario that will arise. Final interpretation and administration of these policies are at the discretion of the Director of Summer Programs and the Administration at Jesuit High School.
This information and more is available in our Frequently Asked Questions pages as well at www.summeratjesuit.com
High School Level Academic and Enrichment Courses
The policies below apply to our high school level academic and enrichment courses only. For information regarding policies related to Camp Marauder, Academy Camps and Sports Camps, please refer to those specific program policies below.
Course Materials / Technology
Students and their parents/guardians are responsible for obtaining all required materials for their course. Jesuit High School does not sell and is not able to provide textbooks or electronic devices for student use. Most courses require a textbook or ebook. The textbook list will be made available on our website on May 1st.
In classes where an ebook is required, students will need to bring their own tablet or other electronic device to access the material while on campus in class. Please note: accessing an ebook on a smart phone in class will not be acceptable. Each student will be provided with access to wifi on campus. For more information regarding technology policies, please reference our Student Parent Handbook on page 61-62.
Traditional (paper) textbooks should be purchased using the online vendor of your choice. Be sure to search for the ISBN number for the required book(s) to be sure that the correct item is purchased. Students are required to have the textbook or ebook in their possession for the first day of class. Please be careful to pay attention to shipping times and order processing times when ordering textbooks. Some websites may show a rapid shipping time but may not mention a 7-10 day order processing time. Some used copies of textbooks may be available. We do our best to minimize costs whenever possible.
Jesuit High School is not responsible for delays in processing and shipping time when ordering the textbook or other course materials. Students are required to have the textbook in their possession on the first day of class to ensure a successful start to their summer class (though teachers will assist with supplementary materials if possible in the first few days of class.)
Attendance Policy
Students in high school level academic or enrichment courses are allowed a maximum of 2 absences total for a full year course (1 day between 6/11/25 and 6/27/25 and 1 day between 6/30/25 and 7/18/25.) Students who exceed this allotment will not be granted credit for the course and transcripts will not be sent. All absences are strongly discouraged. Summer School moves too fast and covers too much information in a short amount of time that students should not plan to miss any days, if possible. Missing a day of class is comparable to missing a week of instruction in a regular school semester. Vacations should be scheduled before or after summer school.
If a student is going to be absent or late to school, the parent should call the summer attendance line (916) 480-2135 and leave a message by 9:00AM to report the absence or tardy. If a student is absent and the parent has not reported the absence, the parent will receive a phone message to help ensure that they are aware of the absence.
If a family anticipates a future absence, parents should contact the Office for Summer Programs first. Parents should contact the Office for Summer Programs regarding the attendance policy. Summer School instructors are not permitted to approve an absence. Refer to the class syllabus for the teacher’s policies regarding academic work related to absences. The instructor’s contact information via email will be listed in the class syllabus.
Academic Accommodations
With the fast pace of these classes and the limitations that the schedule presents, accommodations are a challenge. We are only able to offer extended time testing for final exams to those students who submit their IEP or 504 documentation in advance. Documents should be uploaded to the student’s profile in the registration portal. Please contact the Office for Summer Programs well in advance of the first day of classes to explore available accommodations. Accommodations are granted at the discretion of the Director for Summer Programs and the Assistant Principal for Academics.
Conflict Resolution / Communication
Consistent, timely, and open communication among teachers, students, and parents is essential to supporting students along their journey while partnering with parents, the student’s primary educators. Jesuit High School utilizes various communication platforms that support quality communication (see the Academics section of our Student Parent Handbook for more details about these platforms) though email is the primary means of direct communication. Inevitably, situations arise where greater clarity is needed or where a conflict arises that requires resolution among the school, the parents, and the student. In order to promote consistent communication, to allow decisions and situations to be resolved at the proper level, and to promote the development of quality communication skills for students, Jesuit implements the following process for communication and conflict resolution. In almost all instances, Jesuit asks that students are the first to communicate with a teacher/coach/moderator when there is a need for a resolution, clarification, or further dialogue. If the student does not feel the question or concern is resolved as a result of the initial outreach, the student’s parents should reach out to the teacher/ coach/ moderator. Jesuit High School realizes that some students may need extra support in crafting a message or preparing to talk to a teacher/ coach/ moderator and we encourage parents to work with their sons if needed. In other cases, it may be necessary for a parent to reach out first if the circumstances require. In these cases, it is important for parents to note the circumstances preventing the initial student initiated contact. If, after the student and the parents have attempted to find a resolution through direct contact with the appropriate teacher/ coach/ moderator, then we ask that the parent contact the Office for Summer Programs. If a family does not attempt to find resolution with the appropriate person at the proper level, the school will ask that this inquiry be redirected before being considered by the supervisor. The school also realizes that there are times when the concern or conflict requires that the supervisor is contacted first. In these cases, it is important for the student or parent to note the circumstances preventing the initial communication to the teacher/ coach/ moderator. For the full policy, please review our Student Parent Handbook and refer to page 8.
Transcripts are automatically sent to the student’s current school at the end of the course. There is no need to request that a transcript be sent. A parent of a non-Jesuit student can request that their student’s transcript not be sent to their current school by visiting our website at https://www.jesuithighschool.org/webform/transcript-hold-request before 12 midnight on Wednesday, July 23rd. Transcripts are mailed out to schools on Thursday, July 24th and are not available prior to that date. Please see the “Selective Posting of Student Grades” section below.
Students and their parent/ guardian are responsible for reviewing information communicated and responding to correspondence via phone and email using the family email address provided upon registration and the student’s Jesuit-provided gmail account. For current Jesuit students: this policy applies to their existing Jesuit email account.
Class confirmations for students who register by May 1st will be sent out to the family email address provided at the time of registration during the first week in May. It is not possible to confirm a students’ final placement in the requested course prior to this date.
Selective Posting of Student Grades
A parent of a non-Jesuit student can request to not have their child’s grade submitted to be posted on their transcript. To request not to have a transcript issued, please visit our website at https://www.jesuithighschool.org/webform/transcript-hold-request and submit your request prior to 12 midnight on Wednesday, July 23rd. Requests submitted after that time will not be honored. For Jesuit students, grades are automatically added to their transcript and calculated into their GPA. Any desire to not include a grade on a Jesuit transcript is not automatic. Jesuit student requests for excluding a grade from a transcript must be brought to the attention of the Director of Summer Programs and the Assistant Principal for Academics in writing via email prior to July 17th. Please contact the Office for Summer Programs to explore this option.
Tuition / Financial Aid / Refund / Cancelation Policy
High School Level Academic Courses
Tuition is due in full by May 30th and should be paid online by logging on to the registration portal at https://jesuitsacsummer.campbrainregistration.com/
Students / families who have not paid their full tuition payment by May 30th can be dropped from the course and will not be permitted to attend the first day of classes. Every attempt will be made in good faith via email and phone to communicate and assist parents / guardians prior to the start of classes to remedy any discrepancies or non-payment status. If you choose a multiple automatic payment option where your credit card is charged on April 30th and May 30th, we will honor that arrangement. Exceptions are subject to approval by the Director for Summer Programs Please contact the Office for Summer Programs if you have questions regarding this requirement. We are happy to help.
Financial aid for the high school academic program is only available for current Jesuit students. Requests will remain confidential. To apply, please contact us via email at summerschool@jesuithighschool.org.
Refunds of tuition paid can be awarded depending on the timing of the request. Requests must be submitted by a parent or guardian listed on the original registration forms in writing via email to summerschool@jesuithighschool.org. Cancellation requests submitted by a student only will not be considered. The time and date stamp on the emailed request will be used to determine refund eligibility. Jesuit High School is not responsible for technology issues or delays related to refund requests.
If a request to cancel a high school level academic or enrichment course is received prior to the first day of the requested course, the family is eligible for a 100% refund of the tuition fees paid to date.
If a request to cancel registration in a high school level academic course or enrichment course is received after 5:00p on the third day of class (6/13/25 for full year courses or 7/2/25 for second term one-semester courses), the family would not be eligible for a refund of the tuition fees paid to date.
Students dismissed from a summer program are not eligible for a refund. The refund policy for all Summer Programs is interpreted and administered at the discretion of the Director of Summer Programs.
Jesuit High School reserves the right to cancel a course or camp for any reason including but not limited to low enrollment in a particular section, inclement weather or hazardous conditions. Students and families would be eligible for a full refund back to the payment method used at the time of registration. In this scenario, the family will be contacted via email and a response requested.