Apply to be a tutor for the 2023-2024 school year!
Open to all, no longer limited to CSF students


Start your Peer Tutor Application

Starting this year, our Peer Tutoring program is taking on a new form. No longer will it be a requirement for CSF members, nor will it be limited to CSF students to participate as tutors. Instead, this program, now run as a club moderated by the Assistant Principal of Academics, is casting a wider net in hopes of building a strong base of peer tutoring support for all students.

So, if you’re looking to give back to the academic community at Jesuit, to sharpen your own skills and understanding (because to teach someone something is to really know it), and to be able to claim such participation on your resume for college applications and beyond, please fill out the application today.

While there is no hard deadline for applying, we would like to have our core team in place by the end of the first quarter.

Reach out to or Mr. O’Connor if you have any questions.