Request a Peer Tutor
Free tutoring is now supported by a new club


Request a Peer Tutor 

This year, the Peer Tutoring club hopes to provide support for students who need help. To get started with making a connection with a tutor, please fill out this simple form. The information collected on this form will help facilitate a connection with a tutor whose availability and skillset match up with your stated area of need. Once you fill out the form, keep an eye on your email for a message linking you up with a tutor and a suggested meeting time in the Library.

And because we know that sometimes it’s hard for students to ask for help, the request form can also be filled out by a parent, counselor, or even teacher. (We do ask that if you fill out this form in someone else’s stead, that you make sure they know so they aren’t surprised when they get an email connecting them with a tutor.)

Hopefully, as the year goes on, students will develop connections with tutors that enable them to meet up without needing to use this form. But every journey starts with a small step, so fill out a request form today, and we’ll help start building that connection.

Please note: The Peer Tutoring club will be led by students and supported by Mr. O’Connor, so club leadership will use the account and review the tutoring requests to help set up tutors with students in need of help. For this reason, we ask you not to share personal information or grades on the request form.

If you have questions about the form or connecting with a tutor, please email Any larger concerns can be directed to your student’s counselor or to Mr. O’Connor.