Brought Together by our Shared Legacy
Event Recap and Message from the President to Alumni


I hope you had a great time at Jesuit’s Big Bash: Alumni Reunion & Jesuit’s 60th Anniversary Celebration. It is always good to see you, meet your families, hear stories about your time at Jesuit, and learn what has transpired in your lives since graduating. It was also great to celebrate Jesuit High School’s 60th anniversary with you!

As you know, our alumni reunion focused on classes ending in a 3 or an 8! That’s nearly 56 years of graduates, and almost 12,000 living Marauder Alumni! Some of our graduates remember a day when a cell phone weighed as much as a Christmas ham, the first moon landing, and single-digit Super Bowls. Others have seen cell phones that can be worn on your wrists, unmanned trips to places like Mars and beyond, and Super Bowls dominated more by the halftime show than by the teams playing the actual game!  

What brought us all together last weekend was our shared legacy of Jesuit education, a legacy that reaches back to the middle of the 16th century, and St. Ignatius’ early classmates and companions at the University of Paris. What connects us moving forward is our shared commitment to Jesuit High School and its mission to make the life-changing education you received available to generations of young men in the future.  

Jesuit High School is eagerly preparing to greet the next class of future Marauders, the class of 2028! We are diligently searching for students who remind us of YOU, students with lofty aspirations, inspiring academic ability, and a desire to be conscientious servant leaders. In other words, we are looking for the next class of “Men for Others.”

If you were not able to make the Big Bash, please be sure to check out the pics on social media and please be sure to mark your calendars for future alumni events on campus or near you. Finally, please don’t think you must wait for the next big event to return to campus. You are always welcome HOME, and Jesuit High School looks forward to your next visit to campus, whenever that may be.

Go Big Red!

