California Ignatian Advocacy Summit
Students from Jesuit Schools Across the State Gather at Capitol



The California Ignatian Advocacy Summit will bring together Jesuit students, parishioners, priests and other leaders to put our faith into action by engaging directly with legislators at the California State Capitol. Held from Sunday, April 6 – Monday, April 7, the event begins with a Sunday afternoon of workshops, prayer, and social time. On Monday, April 7, students will lead a public witness at the State House followed by legislative advocacy meetings.

This program will serve as an opportunity for students to build community with each other, deepen their understanding of the legislative process, and put into action what they have been learning through their justice work at their local school sites.

The event can serve as a stand-alone experience, or a follow-up for schools who are holding justice summits in the winter and early spring. We hope the day can be a natural follow up action as students move through the pastoral cycle they are learning in their Theology courses.

Because secondary students will be leading the event, they will gather for 4 online preparatory sessions to build community and prepare for their meetings with legislators. These meetings are required for participation in the day so that students are adequately prepared and comfortable with the topics and their roles. Their advocacy will focus on the legislative priorities selected by our students in the fall: Housing/Homelessness, Climate Change, and Migration.


  • Build connectivity and power in the Jesuit network by bringing together our local California apostolates to know each other more deeply, act together prophetically, and see ourselves as one ministry.
  • Provide an experience of empowerment for students as they grow in their capacities as leaders of conscience, competence, and compassion. 
  • Put into practice some of the learning and skills development that has happened through local summits, Teach Ins, CORE work, and Ignite work providing an opportunity for students to try on advocacy at the state level.
  • Receive training in faith-based advocacy from our Catholic, Ignatian tradition.
  • Practice faith-based advocacy in the form of legislative advocacy meetings with staff and elected officials from capitol hill.


The third universal apostolic preference calls us to have schools that are “spaces open to youthful creativity in which the encounter with the God of life, revealed by Jesus and the deepening of the Christian faith are fostered.” In this youth-led and -centered advocacy day, we will walk with students as they reflect on the issues of importance to them and their communities, engage in research and reflection about those issues in light of our shared Catholic tradition, and amplify the voices of those who are vulnerable, while practicing and demystifying advocacy. 

In so doing, we aspire to let “our work in education at all levels make people aware of the burning need for reconciliation, of the many who are estranged, vulnerable, alienated. We want those who are part of our educational mission to dream of and to build, step by step, a new culture based on Gospel values.”  


This program is designed for and with secondary and university students in schools in the Jesuits West Province. As an expression of the breadth of our Jesuits West network, we will also invite parishioners from Jesuit parishes and people who work in other affiliated ministries to join in support of students. All students are welcome to participate, regardless of faith tradition or grade level.

When and Where?

Preparation meetings will take place on Zoom:

Dates will become available soon. 

Sunday, April 6 starting at 4:00 pm at Jesuit High School (afternoon and overnight) through Monday, April 7 around 1:00 pm. We will travel together from JHS to downtown Sacramento and back. 

Service Credit

Students who participate in the full project are eligible for a minimum of 12 hours of Core Service credit. Students should register through the registration link to the right or through the link available in Google Classroom. Contact Ms. Brabec or Mr. Ferrari with questions.