Student Parking Reminders
A message from the Dean


Neighbors and other commuters have recently reported several incidents of dangerous and/or distracted driving by individuals coming into our campus. All laws in the state vehicle code relating to the operation of motor vehicles are to be obeyed when driving on or near the school grounds. Excessive speed or careless driving on campus endangers pedestrians and everyone on the road. This type of reckless driving renders a student liable to suspension of his driving and parking privileges and will result in disciplinary action. A speed limit of 10 miles per hour has been established for Jesuit parking lots and lanes.

In addition, students must park on campus in school designated, student parking slots only. Spaces marked with specific designations (i.e. those marked “faculty”, “visitor”, “school van parking”, etc) are reserved for their designated use only and should never be occupied by students. Parking or driving on service roads (including the road behind the Harris Center and the road above the baseball and football fields), neighborhood driveways or streets, faculty parking lot, or any other non-designated places is absolutely prohibited and will result in significant behavioral consequences.

All students are expected to be on campus 10 minutes prior to the first bell. Drivers must allow sufficient time for the commute, especially during inclement weather or times of traffic alerts. It is the driver’s responsibility to arrive on time.

Finally, students must obtain a parking permit from the Dean’s Office. Students and parents will be required to sign a parking contract and pay a $40.00 fee for the annual permit. This permit must be attached to the inside rear-view mirror or in such a way as to be clearly visible through the front windshield at all times. Failure to clearly display the permit will result in a fine. Currently, there are plenty of available student parking spaces available to students throughout the school day in the Chapel Lot and the SAC Lot. Because of limited space, however, parking permits are limited. The Dean’s Office will stop distributing parking permits when the parking lots reach capacity. A one-day temporary parking permit that should be displayed on the student’s vehicle may be purchased in the Dean’s Office if a student is without one.