Senior Summer Reading
Class of 2025


All Senior English Electives:

  • All senior English electives require students to have read the assigned book for their fall elective. The books and relevant classes are listed below; please wait until mid-July when class schedules are posted before reading. 
  • All students will be assessed during the first week of school in a variety of ways, including graded seminars, written assignments, and objective quizzes.
  • Double check the ISBN to ensure that you have purchased the correct paperback version of the text (no eBooks or PDFs allowed).  You may opt to buy a used book if the ISBN is correct and the book has not already been annotated (since you will be annotating your text).

Classic Myth: Atalanta by Jennifer Saint - ISBN 978-1250855572
Detective Fiction:  An Unsuitable Job for a Woman by P.D. James ISBN 978-0743219556
Hero’s Journey:  Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse - ISBN 9780811200684
Horror (Psych Realism): The Girl With All the Gifts - ISBN 9780316334754

English 4AP

Brave New World ISBN 9780060850524 AND 

Exit West ISBN 9780735212206 


View assignment for English 4AP in Google Docs, students must be signed in to view

AP Government

There is no assignment for AP Government.

AP Economics

There is no assignment for AP Economics.

AP Environmental Science

Welcome to AP Environmental Science! You will be completing some summer work found on the APES Summer Assignment Google Classroom page. The join code is: 4pu26am. You can find the assignments, due dates and all required materials under the “Coursework” page. We will discuss textbook options on the first day of class, so do not need to purchase one over the summer. Email me at if you have any trouble.

AP Psychology

There is no summer reading for AP Psychology.

AP Biology

Welcome to AP Biology! You will be completing some components of summer work found on the AP Biology Summer Assignment Google Classroom page. The join code is: h4qodma. You can find the assignments and all required materials under the “Coursework” page. We will use the OpenStax online textbook for AP Biology throughout the year, so you may use it electronically for free OR purchase a hard copy from their website. Email me at if you have any trouble.

AP Chemistry

Click here for the summer assignment for AP Chemistry.

AP Physics 1

Please access to Google Classroom page and join using the code g3lk3yf.  The summer reading assignment and directions are found on the stream page and the Edpuzzle links and practice worksheets on the classwork pages.

AP PreCalculus

Please refer to the Google Classroom page for information on the summer assignment.  The class code is: 4fygs7b.  

Honors PreCalculus

Please click here for the summer assignment for Honors PreCalculus.

French 3H and 4AP

Please refer to the Google Classroom page for students in the above French classes.  The class code is: fk5uh2e.  Any questions should be directed to Ms. Leslie Willson at  The link to the correct book is here: French 3 Years

AP 2D Art & Design

Art 2D website 

Please view the website for assignment and reading details.