Sophomore Summer Reading
Class of 2027


The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury ISBN 9781451678192 (Updated 06 17 24)

*Double-check the ISBN to ensure that you have purchased the correct paperback version of the text (no eBooks or PDFs allowed). You may opt to buy a used book if the ISBN is correct and the book has not already been annotated (since you will be annotating your text). 

Unfortunately, Amazon has recently discontinued the version of The Martian Chronicles with the beige cover. Each version of The Martian Chronicles contains a slightly different collection of short stories. 

Please purchase the version with the red cover instead. You are not responsible for reading the short story called “Way in the Middle of the Air” in the version with the red cover; we will not be covering that short story in class. 


Be sure to carefully annotate The Martian Chronicles as you read. Annotations should reveal your level of engagement with the text (do NOT simply underline and/or highlight). When annotating, be sure to 

  • Circle unfamiliar words. Try to figure out their meanings through context, and then look them up in the dictionary. Record the definitions in your book.
  • Summarize plot development and character descriptions in the margins.
  • Take note of any quotations that reveal new meanings or character insight; these will be useful for class discussion and essay writing.
  • Trace themes, symbols and motifs throughout the story.
  • Mark any passages that confuse or interest you.


In the first few days of school, you will be tested on your understanding of The Martian Chronicles. Details will be given in class.

The Chosen by Chaim Potok ISBN 0449213447

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury ISBN 9781451678192 (Updated 06 17 24)

*Double-check the ISBN to ensure that you have purchased the correct paperback version of the text (no eBooks or PDFs allowed). You may opt to buy a used book if the ISBN is correct and the book has not already been annotated (since you will be annotating your text). 

Unfortunately, Amazon has recently discontinued the version of The Martian Chronicles with the beige cover. Each version of The Martian Chronicles contains a slightly different collection of short stories. 

Please purchase the version with the red cover instead. You are not responsible for reading the short story called “Way in the Middle of the Air” in the version with the red cover; we will not be covering that short story in class. 


View assignment in Google Docs, student must be signed in to view

Welcome to AP Biology! You will be completing some components of summer work found on the AP Biology Summer Assignment Google Classroom page. The join code is: h4qodma. You can find the assignments and all required materials under the “Coursework” page. We will use the OpenStax online textbook for AP Biology throughout the year, so you may use it electronically for free OR purchase a hard copy from their website. Email me at if you have any trouble.

Click here for the AP Chemistry summer assignment.

AP Human Geo website

Access the website and follow the directions therein. Please note that this is not something that should be left until the week before school, as you will be tested on the materials at the beginning of the school year. If you have any questions about the summer assignment, please email Mrs. Friedman.

Please refer to the Google Classroom page for information on the summer assignment.  The class code is: 4fygs7b.  

Please click here for the summer assignment for Honors PreCalculus.

Here is the pdf of the book: Las Aventuras de la familia Miranda


View assignment instructions in Google Classroom.  The join code is: iil3htp.

Book details (digital version linked above): Las Aventuras De La Familia Miranda – ISBN 978-0821939819