Advent Food Drive – “Operation Cratchit”
Drop off items 7:45-9:15am in parking lot before school


A joint effort by JHS Student Council – Office of Student Activities – Office of Service & Justice

Benefitting the Stanford Settlement as they assemble Christmas baskets for our neighbors who are in need. Drop off your items in the Jesuit High School parking lot (by the soccer field) 4660 Fair Oaks Blvd. Sacramento, CA 

What is needed

  • Canned food (fruits, vegetables, soups, etc) Many grocery stores sell these in packs of 8-12, prepackaged in cardboard or shrink-wrap—very effective
  • Donations of money
  • Student volunteers for unloading
  • No glass containers
  • No home-canned items (Jams, jellies, pickles, relish, etc.)
  • No bags of oranges, apples, or fresh fruit

Donations of money

link for donation will be published a few weeks before start of drive


Cash/check/online donations are accepted and encouraged! They go to round out the larder and purchase turkeys, hams, and roasts. Make a quick online donation or bring cash/checks.


  • Cash donations
  • Checks made out to “Jesuit HS”