Imba Means Sing - Film Viewing

Event Barry Gym

Please join the Office of Service & Justice on campus in the Welcome Center Wednesday, May 5, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm for an optional on-campus viewing of the 2015 documentary film Imba Means Sing.

An independent documentary feature film, Imba Means Sing proves the power of music and the empowering impact of an education. The film is shot and told through the eyes of 8-year-old Moses, a drummer from the Grammy-nominated African Children’s Choir. Growing up in the slums of Kampala, Uganda, Moses and his family lack enough resources for him to even attend the first grade. The documentary follows his journey from poverty towards his dream of one day becoming a pilot. The filmmakers hope to leverage Imba Means Sing through audience outreach and engagement to raise awareness and support for music education locally and equal access to education as a human right globally.

Attendance of the viewing and completion of reflection questions is worth 2 hours of Service & Justice credit.

You can find the registration link here:

Registration closes on Monday, May 3, 11:59 pm.

*Please note that you must complete your weekly COVID screening to access campus in-person for this event.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Carroll at

For more information on “Imba Means Sing,” visit