VPA - Four Year Experience


The Four Year Experience
From choosing an elective freshman year to earning a graduation cord


Every freshman chooses an Arts elective
The first year experience

Select your passion

Whether it’s on stage in our drama productions, in the community as a part of the 12 choral and instrumental ensembles, or in our studio art, film and photography classes, the arts offerings at Jesuit allow our students to develop their God-given talents with their confidence and means of self-expression to be successful in life beyond high school. More than 70% of our students choose to continue pursuing their artistic ambitions, inside and outside of the classroom, beyond the one-year requirement.

When and how do you select your Arts elective?

During the enrollment process, our incoming freshman can rank their preferred electives. If enrollment is completed by the deadline, they’ll get a preliminary schedule during the Welcome Event.

See the Course Catalog for a full description of all the classes.


Earn the Arts Graduation Cord
Recognized Artists: St. Catherine of Bologna Program

A new program celebrating Arts achievement with a cord worn at commencement

The Recognized Artists Program at Jesuit High School, named for St. Catherine of Bologna, the Patron Saint of the Arts, honors students who demonstrate dedication and excellence in the arts. Recognized Artists are students who go above and beyond Jesuit High School’s curricular requirements and strive for greater artistic depth as they cultivate their God-given talents. Our Recognized Artists demonstrate the magis by using their gifts out of gratitude for God’s creation and in service to the Jesuit High School community.

Requirements to earn your Arts cord

Please review the Requirements for Recognized ArtistsIn recognition of this four-year achievement, students will receive a black and white cord to wear at commencement.


Students can access the Recognized Artist Interest Google Form 
(This form is not public—it can only be accessed by students logged into their school accounts.) 


Did you know you can take Arts classes all four years?
Going beyond the one-year requirement

Nurture your passion 

Our programs allow you to explore and grow your creativity. 

How do you continue with your Arts elective?

Learn more about the first-year experience. All other students should speak with their counselors.

View the Arts section of the 2025-2026 Course Catalog for a full description of all the classes.