Student Government Positions
Elected & Appointed Positions
Elected Positions
(required items: application, meetings, campaign process)
ASJ President – Coordinate and oversee the Associated Student Body
ASJ Vice-President – Assist the President and chair the class officers
ASJ Secretary/Treasurer – Maintain minutes and reports of the Associated Student Body. Maintain finances of the Associated Student Body and maintain student data.
ASJ Intramurals Commissioner – and is responsible for the organization and promotion of the intramural program.
ASJ Activities Coordinator – He shall actively recruit student involvement in clubs and activities. He shall, in concert with the publicity coordinator, ensure that all programs and activities are well attended.
ASJ Publicity Coordinator – . He shall keep the student body informed of all activities through signs, posters, banners, and announcements.
ASJ Head Cheerleader- He is responsible for leading the student cheering section at athletic contests. He shall lead rallies and publicize varsity games.
Appointed Positions
(required items: application, meeting, and interview)
ASB A/V Technician – Responsible for coordinating all audio and visual at ASJ events.
ASB Chief Justice – He is the head of the Student Court. Is responsible for enforcing Article X of this Constitution.
ASJ Historian – In coordination with the A/V Technician, he oversees and coordinates taking pictures and video at all ASJ events.