Student Government
Student Government
The members of the Jesuit High School Executive Council are the school’s elected representatives. The Executive Council is responsible for promoting efficient communication between the students, the faculty, and the administration. They help organize the student body so that it may act with one voice on academic, athletic, social and other affairs.
In addition, members of the Executive Council assist with the coordination of co-curricular activities and encourage the development of school spirit through participation.
Executive Council
- President- Jake Swanson
- Vice President- Charles Sander
- Secretary/ Treasurer- Benjamin Condrin
- Intramurals Commissioner- Nick Bruce
- Activities Coordinator- Dylan McMains
- Publicity Coordinator- Zach Ott
Class Officers
- Senior Class President- Julian Stassi
- Junior Class President- Rayaan Naseem
- Sophomore Class Secretary/ Treasurer- Raphael Edralin
Student Government Elections
Steps to Apply/Run
Steps to apply and/or run for Student Council
- Review the 2022-2023 Executive Council and Student Council Information Sheet.
- Review the Leadership Positions.
- Attend one of the informational meetings on Tuesday, January 11 or Thursday, January 13 at 2:00 pm in GR 205.
- Complete the 2022-2023 Executive/ Student Council Application before Monday, February 28.
Dates to remember
January 11, 2 PM and January 13, 2:00 pm: Application information sessions.
January 11: Student Council applications posted
Mar 11, 11:59 pm: Application due
March 14-15: Opportunities for posters to be approved by Dr. Desmond
March 14 – March 22: Campaign week
March 17, Community Period: Meeting with candidates running for elected positions
March 22: Election assembly during Community Time
March 22: Primary election (vote by 11:59 pm)
March 25: Runoff (if needed)
April 5: Community: Rising Junior/ Rising Senior interviews
April 6: Collaboration: Rising Sophomore interviews
April 7: Community: Rising Junior/ Rising Senior interviews
April 8: Students notified of application status
Student Government Positions
Elected & Appointed Positions
Elected Positions
(required items: application, meetings, campaign process)
ASJ President – Coordinate and oversee the Associated Student Body
ASJ Vice-President – Assist the President and chair the class officers
ASJ Secretary/Treasurer – Maintain minutes and reports of the Associated Student Body. Maintain finances of the Associated Student Body and maintain student data.