Weekly Update – May 19, 2023
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Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, SJ, former Superior General of the Society of Jesus (“The Jesuits”) said:
“Students, in the course of their formation, must let the gritty reality of this world into their lives, so they can learn to feel it, think about it critically, respond to its suffering and engage it constructively. They should learn to perceive, think, judge, choose and act for the rights of others, especially the disadvantaged and the oppressed. . . .[T]he measure of Jesuit [schools] is not what our students do but who they become and the adult Christian responsibility they will exercise in future towards their neighbor and their world. For now, the activities they engage in, even with much good effect, are for their formation. This does not make the [school] a training camp for social activists. Rather, the students need close involvement with the poor and the marginal now, in order to learn about reality and become adults of solidarity in the future.”
The Office of Service and Justice at Jesuit High School recognizes and affirms the good work of the following students, each of whom completed more than twice the amount of service required for his grade level.
Magis is a Latin word meaning “more” or “greater.” In the world of Ignatian spirituality, the notion of the magis is connected to going deeper in response to experiences of God’s love in our lives. All students can pursue the magis simply through their minimum service requirement.
We recognize here those students who, through the external marker of completing more than twice what is required of them in service, have indicated a deep commitment to and love for their vulnerable neighbors in the Sacramento region and elsewhere.
Tickets are required for this event. Each graduate is provided an allotment of complimentary tickets (none are available for purchase to the general public). The ceremony will also be LIVESTREAMED on our YouTube channel.
Tickets are required for entry into the Graduation Ceremony. Each graduate is allotted 10 tickets. Tickets will be available for pick-up by student only in the Gym during Senior Exit interviews. Students will be required to show their student ID and sign for the ticket packet. Parents may not pick up for their students, and tickets will only be given to the student whose name is on the packet.
Graduation lawn signs will also be available for pick up along with the ticket packets.
Uniformed officers from Sacramento Police Department and MIB security officers will be on hand at Memorial Auditorium for this event. They will work in conjunction with our staff and the staff at Memorial Auditorium to ensure the safety and success of our event.
Currently, Memorial Auditorium has the following requirements in place for all guests entering the events:
Please note: Air horns, balloons, signs/banners, beach balls, etc., are not allowed at either ceremony (Baccalaureate or Graduation) and will be permanently confiscated. There have been issues with these items in the past, so please talk with your son and your guests about respecting the ceremony. Thank you!
We will have Bill Smith Photography present at both events and a photo of your son on stage with his diploma will be taken.
Fill out your form release forms by May 20
A fun-filled evening is planned with access to almost the entire theme park attractions including: