Family, friends and alumni are welcome to attend all-school Masses and prayer services
Masses and prayer services offer the chance for our community to come together in prayer and celebration of the Eucharist. In gathering together, we reaffirm our commitment to knowing, loving, and serving God and one another.
Strengthening community
Liturgies offer time and space for community to be encountered and strengthened. Periodically throughout the academic year, our students and staff gather together to pray, hear and reflect on Sacred Scripture, break bread, and celebrate the Eucharist. Mass and prayer services offer physical signs of Christ’s presence within and among us, and they remind us of the type of loving community that we are called to build and participate in.
- Students at Jesuit attend several all-school Masses during the school day in the Barry Gym in the Fall and Spring.
- Additionally, they will attend one Mass each semester with only their grade-level classmates in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs.
- Students in the Liturgy Workshop class, a senior theology elective, coordinate with on-campus clergy and the Campus Ministry office in planning and leading liturgies on campus.
Alumni & Family Monthly Mass
All are welcome to attend - No April Mass
Please join us at our next monthly Alumni and Family Mass!
April date has been canceled from date previously shared.
Mass Begins at 5:00pm
Our entire community is welcome to join us: alumni, staff, current families, and friends.
Baccalaureate Mass
Baccalaureate Eucharistic Liturgy on JHS Campus
Event Details
Additional details will be shared closer to event.
This is a mandatory event, and all graduates must arrive early in order to be checked in at Grace Court.
Baccalaureate Mass begins promptly at 6:30 pm on Thursday, May 22, 2025, in the Jesuit High School Fr. Barry Gymnasium. Carpooling is highly encouraged.
Doors open for seating of family and friends at 6:00 pm. Doors close 5 minutes prior to the start of Mass. Guests who arrive after 6:25 pm must wait until the procession has finished before taking their seats.
Baccalaureate Mass does not require a ticket for entry.
- Dress attire (shoes, dark dress socks, dress slacks, shirt, tie)
- Neatly-groomed
- Graduation gown on top of dress attire (no cap or HNS, CSF cords allowed for Mass)
- Only Kairos crosses/pins (no other decorations)
- Athletic shoes are not permitted
(4-5-Mass-6-7) Farewell Mass 2025
Dress Attire Required, Mass at 10:45am
- 8:20 – 9:25 | Period 4
- 9:30 – 10:35 | Period 5
- 10:45 – 11:50 | Mass
- 11:50 – 12:35 | Lunch
- 12:40 – 1:50 | Examen + Period 6
- 1:55 – 3:00 | Period 7
Families are welcome to attend our school-wide Mass in the gym