Cole Arnold ’25
VPA Student Spotlight


The photos I took in that class are still some of my favorites that I have taken at Jesuit.

What initially sparked your enthusiasm for your chosen discipline? What else are you involved in at JHS?

I originally became interested in photography simply from seeing prints in museums from famous photographers. I thought the images were amazingly detailed and unique, and wanted to try my own hand at photography.

At JHS I am also involved in various clubs around campus, like the photography and Film clubs, and I am very involved in Track and Field. I also recently started working on the tech crew for drama.

Could you share a specific experience that brought you joy in the Arts?

Dr. Madden often lets us take cameras out during class to practice our photography around campus, and one of my favorite memories from her class is walking around with two of my close friends, taking photos together and talking. We took photos of Jesuit, each other, and much more, and it brought me joy to spend time with my friends while we all worked to get better at photography, which we all love. The photos I took in that class are still some of my favorites that I have taken at Jesuit.

What project, artwork, or performance has made you feel the most proud?

The project that made me feel the most proud was our Aspects of Photography portfolio we worked on because I discovered new ways of approaching photography.

Why would you encourage future students to join your Visual and Performing Arts Program at JHS?

Photography is a great program to join at JHS because you can explore so many different forms of the art within itself. There is always something new to try or practice, and there is something for everyone within photography.

A student sitting on a bench facing away from camera, bright leaves in the background A bridge at the end of sunset, the clouds reflect off the water and the banks are dark