Jack Orcutt ’25
VPA Student Spotlight


…you get to see others holding it with smiles on their faces, knowing that you are the reason that they will remember their football game, their best friend, and even the brotherhood

What initially sparked your enthusiasm for your chosen discipline? What else are you involved in at JHS?

Even before I started at Jesuit, I had an affinity for yearbook and journalism. I still remember back in elementary and middle school when the eighth graders would take pictures at recess. Those memories and receiving the books since kindergarten created that initial spark. Because of this, I had planned on taking the yearbook elective during my eighth-grade year but it was not available because of the COVID shutdown. 

When I did start at Jesuit, however. I was placed in Mr. Chandley’s Algebra 1 class. While sitting in this class, Mr. Chandley would often show us pages and ask for our help with tagging images and completing surveys. This piqued my interest in the Cutlass, and I decided to apply.

I am also involved in Jesuit Drama, where I am an assistant stage manager and sound design intern; which I also had an affinity for after working with the Missoula Children’s Theater in middle school. When I first attended the info meeting for WHAT?!?! A Game Show I was captivated by the Black Box Theater and the wonders of technician work. 

Could you share a specific experience that brought you joy in the Arts?

When I got my hard copy of the 2023 Cutlass yearbook, after months of hard work, it finally paid off, and I was holding a book that I had contributed to and passing it out to other students.

And when a show opens. Because I know all of the behind-the-scenes details, I have seen the show come together from an empty Google Doc. Within a few moments, the audience can experience something that I have experienced many times with each performance and rehearsal. The shows that Jesuit Drama produces are true magic and share a message with each performance.

What project, artwork, or performance has made you feel the most proud?

I feel most proud of M.P.L.S. (My Pandemic Love Story) because it was the first show in which I was an assistant stage manager. Because of my position, I played a role in everything from auditions to rehearsals, set building, and programming sound cues. Being able to see everything along each step made me feel more connected to it and more proud of what it became.

Why would you encourage future students to join your Visual and Performing Arts Program at JHS?

I would encourage future Marauders to join the Cutlass Yearbook staff because of how fun it is. Yes, it is a good way to get a grade boost, but it has so many benefits. Just to scratch the surface: you get great leadership skills, you learn how to use a new graphic design software only available to yearbook students, you get to form a close community with others in the class, and after working on a huge project for seven months, you get to see others holding it with smiles on their faces, knowing that you are the reason that they will remember their football game, their best friend, and even the brotherhood.

I would also encourage students to join Jesuit Drama’s program because of the community that it fosters. By run time, the entire cast and the entire crew are all very close and have formed great friendships that will last a lifetime. Also, the work that we do is unlike what is done at any nearby high school drama department because we are student-centered in the Ignatian tradition.