Tech Crew


Tech Crew

Students interested in working in production should attend the Info Meetings to find out about the several tech opportunities that range from stage management, design internships, production run crew, and all the various departments such as construction, costuming, digital-design, film, house management, lighting, and sound.

During production, Jesuit Drama students collaborate with and are instructed by dedicated, professional theater artists, designers and technicians.

No experience necessary.  All are welcome!


Sign Up for Tech!
Jesuit Drama Welcomes You

As we start off another season in the Black Box we are excited to welcome back familiar faces and meet those who will become a part of the Tech Crew here at Jesuit Drama.

Tech is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience behind-the-scenes. You’ll be using drills and saws to bring the set to life, climbing ladders to light it beautifully, and working to make sure every detail looks amazing.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email us

We hope to see you in the Black Box.


Isaiah Says,…”Let it rain!!!”

Isaiah Says,…”Let it rain!!!”

Thanks to the combined brains and talent of Isaiah Says PSM Scott Tooley and ASM Josh Clark, the last image of the play featured the cast lined up on stage, looking up…at rain!

Scott, Josh, and many dedicated technician worked for months planning, testing, revising, re-testing, and executing a beautiful stage effect that created a powerful onstage image at the end of the show.

Congrats and thanks to all Jesuit Drama Technicians for your achievement and dedication.