From President's Office
Statement from the Provincial of the Jesuits West Province
Dear Jesuit High School community,
Please find attached the statement from Fr. Sean Carroll, SJ, Provincial of the US West Province of the Society of Jesus, regarding Fr. Edwin B. Harris, SJ’s departure from his role as Alumni Chaplain and member of the Board of Trustees of Jesuit High School Sacramento.
Chris Alling
Read the statement from Jesuits West
A Thanksgiving Message
Let’s take our lead from Jesus. Always start with gratitude.
Dear Friends,
Along with my hope that we all find a minute to catch our breath over this week, it is my prayer that during Thanksgiving break we find ourselves surrounded by people we love, people who love us, and seated at tables with “enough.” I’m reminded that just before Jesus performs the miracle of feeding the 5,000, he takes a moment and “looks up to Heaven and gives thanks.”
President Search Update
The Presidential Search Committee has been convening regularly over the past six weeks, moving through the search process thoughtfully and diligently to find the best President for Jesuit High School.
In mid-Feburary, the Committee met with various constituent groups during listening sessions and reviewed the results of the confidential online survey at the end of the month to capture input on the ideal candidate for our next President. Applications for the position of President closed on February 28, 2023.
Jesuit High School of Sacramento is pleased to announce that the search for the next President has commenced.
The Jesuit High School of Sacramento Board of Trustees seeks to identify an exceptional leader to serve as its next president. The JHS President Search Committee has developed a comprehensive process and timeline, which includes collecting feedback and perspectives from the JHS community. The Search Committee will then narrow the applicant pool to a group of semifinalists and identify finalists for the position.
Jesuit Announces Search Committee for School President
Panel to include Trustees, Alums, Faculty, Staff and Current Parents
As announced last month, the Jesuit High School of Sacramento Board of Trustees is focused on the selection of the next President for Jesuit. We believe Jesuit’s unique mission and academic stature will attract a number of highly qualified candidates. The Presidential Search Committee will assume responsibility of identifying qualified candidates and the full Board of Trustees will appoint the new President based on the committee’s work and recommendations.
UPDATE – Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J. to conclude service as President January 6
During transition day-to-day operations to be led by Principal Michael Wood ’99, in coordination with senior administrative leadership and with oversight by Board of Trustees
SACRAMENTO, CA - The Board of Trustees of Jesuit High School of Sacramento today provides an update on the conclusion of service of Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J., as President. On the advice of his physicians, Fr. McGarry will be unable to return to Jesuit this year in order to focus on his health and wellness.
Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J. to conclude service as President at end of 2022-2023 academic year
NOTE please see update from January 4, 2023
Jesuit High School of Sacramento President Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J. announced today to the Board of Trustees that he will conclude his service as president at the end of the academic year.
Jesuit Sacramento to Continue Advancing Mission of All-Boys Education
Strategic Planning Update on Enrollment Study
A large part of Jesuit High School of Sacramento’s robust and deliberate strategic planning process has been the enrollment study. Jesuit Sacramento announces today that the enrollment study is complete and that the Board of Trustees has decided that the school will remain an all-boys school, continuing to advance its original Mission dedicated to “forming competent young men into conscientious leaders in compassionate service to others for the greater glory of God.”
Comprehensive Strategic Plan Update
Review of what has been done and next steps in the process
To the Jesuit High School Community:
Jesuit High School of Sacramento began its most recent strategic planning and discernment process in January 2020. The creation of a Comprehensive Strategic Plan provides an opportunity to keep Jesuit aligned to its mission by setting a direction for the future. The plan will outline the school’s goals and objectives for ongoing growth and improvement, enhancement, and advancement in multiple areas arising from the foundational principles of Catholic, Jesuit secondary education.
Joy is on the rise. Hope is calling.
A holiday video message from Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J., President
Dear Friends,
.We find ourselves in this holiday season, this time of Advent, preparing for Christmas, which is a season of hope.
i share with you this video message and a glimpse at the joys of our campus over the last year – student life, alumni reunions, family events, and of course, graduation.
God bless you and your families in 2022. Thank you for your support of Jesuit High School.
Merry Christmas!
Timothy ’81 and Mary Frances Jeffries double size of the Jeffries Family Scholarship Fund
$1 million gift further expands Jesuit Sacramento's Tuition Endowment Fund
Sacramento, CA - Jesuit High School of Sacramento announces that alumnus Timothy ‘81 and Mary Frances Jeffries have gifted a total of $1 million to Jesuit Sacramento’s Tuition Assistance Endowment. Their transformational gift, named the Jeffries Family Scholarship Fund, will provide student financial aid grants to help make a Jesuit education more accessible for more families in the Sacramento area.
Jesuit Conversations
A casual, conversation-style interview of Fr. McGarry by Kelly Brothers ’82
As we approach the time of Thanksgiving and face another wave of COVID-19, we want to share the reflections of president Fr. John McGarry, SJ.
Navigating our world together, rooted in our Catholic Jesuit tradition
To our Jesuit High School Community:
We take great pride in the fact that our alumni, parents, students, faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees are all committed to our school’s wellbeing. To produce Men for Others who are academically, ethically, spiritually, and morally prepared for college and life’s challenges has always been our mission, consistent with the Catholic Church’s teachings. With every graduating class, our young men make their way to very diverse careers, able to inquire, learn, and discern.
Re-opening of campus on track for third week of October
Leadership outlines the framework for trainings, bell schedule and additional virus mitigation practices to open school
Message from the Jesuit High School Leadership,
From the start of the pandemic, Jesuit High School Sacramento has followed the guidance of experts in public health, coordinated with local and state authorities, and committed to a return to campus when it is deemed safe to do so. With the improvement in Sacramento County COVID status to the red tier, Jesuit Sacramento is preparing to begin our phased return to campus. While our remote-learning program has been successful, our students need and want to be on campus; all of us at Jesuit Sacramento have been preparing to reintegrate into in-person learning, but we will only do so in a manner that prioritizes safety, sanity, and sustainability.
Jesuit Sacramento Welcomes New Board Members
A letter from Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J., President
Dear Parents, Alumni, Alumni Parents, Benefactors, and Friends of Jesuit High School:
Message from the President and Principal
Reaffirm its commitment to addressing racism in our community
A pre-note from Fr. McGarry, S.J.:
As you know, I have been away from campus for five weeks to receive medical treatment for a heart arrhythmia. I responded well to the treatment and time of rest, and I am happy to be returning to Jesuit High School Sacramento this weekend to resume my ministry as President.
Thank you for your prayers and support during my time of recuperation. The Jesuit High School community remained in my heart and prayers while I was away.
An Easter blessing for joy and comfort
And, the beautiful sound of our Chamber Choir
Blessings of hope, peace, joy and comfort to all of you on this Easter morning!
Though our campus is closed for the remainder of the academic year, our school continues online in a very vibrant and engaging way.
I am heartened on this feast of Easter by the generosity and unwavering support of our entire Jesuit community.
Just as our Lenten journey coincided with our coronavirus journey, so too must our Easter celebration urge us on to new life and new hope that we will rise from this current health emergency in our country.
The Season of Lent
We invite you to "Learn, Pray and Grow."
“Now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians, 6:2
During the season of Lent, we are invited by the Church to pray, fast and give alms. In so doing, we are challenged to deepen our faith commitment. Jesuit High School is pleased to provide opportunities to “Learn, Pray and Grow” during Lent.
We begin this Wednesday, February 26, with Ash Wednesday services in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs:
Deepen & Strengthen Your Faith
An Invitation to Three Educational Events
Have you ever wanted to hear the presentations from guest speakers on campus who engage with our students? Or wondered what programming is included in our Religious Core for students?
To answer those questions, we are now expanding our spiritual outreach to you—parents, alumni, alumni parents, benefactors, local parishioners, and other friends of Jesuit High School. Think of it as “spiritual adult continuing education.”
A Thanksgiving Blessing to You and Yours

Dear Parents, Alumni, Alumni Parents, Benefactors, and Friends of Jesuit High School:
As we approach Thanksgiving, I am reminded of this Thanksgiving Prayer by W.E.B. Dubois. It is his take on Psalm 100: