Register for Webinar
Registration is required for this online event. AP
class pre-session at 5:30pm / main session at 6pm.
Main session at 6:00pm
Join us for our College Information Night on January 14,
at 6:00pm
Parents of sophomores and juniors are encouraged to attend this
online event that will review the college application process
from beginning to end along with the individualized college
counseling program provided by Jesuit High School. Topics include
the college search, Naviance Student tools and data, college
testing, explanation of the various application types and
platforms, paying for college and more.
Pre-session at 5:30pm for those interested in taking AP classes
next year
Register and join early for the AP pre-session
If your son is interested in taking AP courses next year, please
plan to attend a pre-session presentation by Colin O’Connor,
Assistant Principal for Academics. The evening’s presentation
will focus on basic information about Jesuit’s advanced courses,
the philosophy behind offering these courses, work expectations,
and balancing the demands of these courses with co-curricular
after-school activities. Hopefully, this information will prove
helpful in your son’s decision-making for the 2025-2026 school
year courses.