Mathematics Department


Mathematics Department

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Algebra 1 B
Algebra 1
Geometry XL
Algebra 2 (H)
Geometry B
Geometry XL
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 (H)
AP Precalc
Algebra 2 B
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 (H)
AP Precalc
Precalc (H)
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
Data Science
Finan. Algebra
AP Precalc
Precalc (H)
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
Data Science 
AP Statistics

As students progress through Jesuit, they may move up or down a level depending on their academic performance in mathematics. If a student achieves A+ in the B track, he can move to the regular level. Similarly, if a student achieves A+ in the regular track, he can move to Honors. If a student is struggling in the level he is in, he can move down to the appropriate course.

Scope & Sequence

Jesuit’s Math Curriculum is primarily aligned with the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics but recognizes that students come to Jesuit with a variety of math backgrounds.  The Math Department has thus adjusted its curriculum to ensure that students master the necessary content standards required for success in subsequent math classes.  Students at Jesuit follow a traditional pathway consisting of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 prior to advancing to more advanced coursework.  

To ensure that students are placed appropriately, Jesuit administers curriculum tests to incoming freshmen students who have taken Algebra 1 and/or Geometry in middle school and are hoping to advance to Geometry or Algebra 2.   Final placement is determined by curriculum testing results, HSPT scores, middle school math grades, and teacher recommendations.

The B track courses help those students who benefit from courses that go at a slower pace.

The XL and Honors courses are aimed at students who benefit from courses that go at a faster pace and cover more material than the regular courses.

Goals & Philosophy

The mathematics curriculum is based on the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation for Jesuit High School. The Grad at Grad calls our student to be open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice. The development of each of these qualities is spread throughout the entire curriculum of Jesuit High School. Each of these outcomes is addressed within the mathematics curriculum of Jesuit High School, with particular emphasis on openness to growth and intellectual competence.