The Plank - Student Life

Plank Article Harley Sherman ’22

Lights. Camera. Dance!

Packed room of co-ed high school students in dress clothes, smiling and laughing.

Jesuit High School’s annual Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, Oct. 5. This Homecoming will be the first formal dance for the freshmen, an important moment in the beginning of their high school career.

Plank Article Matthew Marsh ’20 Gage Biery ’20

Night to Remember
Freshman Focus

A view from the back of processing fathers with "Frosh Overnight" on the screen in front.

The Frosh Overnight is the start of every student’s experience at Jesuit High School. The weekend of Aug. 24 saw the class of 2023 begin their high school journeys in the 31st annual Freshman Overnight Retreat.

The focus of the retreat is, of course, on the freshmen, but it could not happen without the participation of the senior Big Brothers. Having already experienced the retreat, the Big Brothers accompany the freshman class as they begin their time at Jesuit.