The Plank - Student Life
Sophomore Retreat: a journey of self-discovery
This year, the Sophomore Retreat will take place on Jan. 31, Feb.
2, Feb. 6, Feb. 9, and Feb. 13 at Christ the King Retreat Center
and are led by the Senior Retreat Team and facilitated by faculty
members working with Campus Ministry.
Faculty Pushes For Littering To Stop on Campus
Littering has been a growing problem this semester at Jesuit High School Sacramento.
Chess is growing in popularity at Jesuit
Chess is an abstract strategy game that requires two players.
Each player controls 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks,
two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The objective of the
game is to “checkmate” the opponent’s king by leaving them with
no options to move. However, there are also several ways that a
game can end in a draw.
Latinos Unidos gives voice and community to latinos students
Latinos Unidos is Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Latino heritage
club. It is a club that seeks to give a sense of community and
voice to Latino students at Jesuit.
Stop Asian Hate movement encourages respect in America
Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, hate
crimes against Asian Americans have increased throughout the
country. In response, the Stop Asian Hate movement was created in
order to increase awareness and speak out against these crimes.
Now, two and a half years after the beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic, members of the Jesuit High School Sacramento community
reflect back on those troubling times.
Food drive aims to donate 100,000 pounds of food
Since 1968, Jesuit High School Sacramento has hosted an annual
Advent Food Drive; one of the oldest traditions at Jesuit.
Mr. Eddie Ralph lights up the mathematics department
Junior varsity basketball Coach, Algebra 1, and AP Statistics teacher Mr. Eddie Ralph has been coaching at Jesuit High School Sacramento for three years, but this is his first year as a teacher on campus.
STAR Crew spreads the good news of Jesuit High School
Coming to Jesuit High School Sacramento as a freshman from middle school can be exciting, but it can also be difficult not knowing what to expect. Director of Admissions Mr. Matthew Ramos ’05 wanted to address this issue so he created the Student Team of Ambassadors for Recruitment or STAR Crew.
Vandalism restricts availability of some bathrooms on campus
Recently, a wave of bathroom vandalism has swept across Jesuit High School Sacramento, leaving hundreds of students with compromised restroom availability and forcing the school to spend thousands of dollars to repair the damage.
salvadoran martyrs remembered on the 33rd anniversary of their murders
33 years ago today, in 1989, six Jesuit priests along with their housekeeper and her daughter were murdered in their residence at the University of Central America in San Salvador, El Salvador. The priests were targeted for their unwavering faith and for speaking out against the injustices and extreme cruelty that the Salvadorian people were suffering.
Valorant club offers an alternative to sports
Valorant is a team-based first person combat video game developed by Riot Games. Since its initial release in June 2020, it has grown to be hugely popular among the gaming community so much so that students – along with the help of mathematics teacher Mr. Justin Tsai – have created a Valorant club at Jesuit High School Sacramento.
Mr. Richard Hanson brings optimism, empathy to the classroom
Mr. Richard Hanson began working at Jesuit High School Sacramento this year as a statistics and computer science teacher. He taught at Amador Valley High School for 29 years before coming to Jesuit.
Mr. Hanson appreciates the kindness of the faculty, staff, and students that has helped him adjust to teaching at Jesuit.
Open House: life as a Jesuit student
On Sunday Oct. 16, Jesuit High School Sacramento invited prospective students and families to visit Jesuit’s campus for Open House, an introductory and exploratory presentation of the school and its brotherhood.
University of Arizona offers unique opportunities, and beautiful campus
Located in the city of Tucson, Arizona, the University of Arizona
is a top choice for many Jesuit High School Sacramento students.
It offers many unique opportunities for students. From Tucson’s
unique culture and beautiful areas to the campus’s unique
Jesuit welcomes shadows back to campus
The 2022-2023 school year at Jesuit High School Sacramento offers multiple shadow days for up-and-coming ninth graders. The first Shadow Day will take place on Monday, October 24. These shadow days offer future students a chance to visit and experience what Jesuit has to offer.
Director of Admissions, Mr. Matthew Ramos ’05 is excited to share the unique opportunity of experiencing a day at Jesuit.
National Test Day warms students up for the future
Wednesday Oct. 12 is National Test Day.
Jesuit hosts Alumni Reunion Weekend this weekend
Starting on Friday Oct. 7, Jesuit High School Sacramento is hosting a weekend-long event known as the Alumni Reunion Weekend.
Jesuit Play “Final Letters” solemnly contemplates historic tragedy
This fall, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Black Box Theater will perform the upcoming play “Final Letters,” a company-created performance that illustrates historical letters from victims of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
2022 Freshman Retreat built community, sustained tradition
Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Freshman Retreat is an event that every Jesuit freshman attends to make their transition to high school smoother while inspiring a sense of brotherhood among their class.
Counselors at Jesuit host college fairs, preparing students for the future
The counselors at Jesuit High School Sacramento dedicate an immense amount of time preparing students for the next chapter of their lives: college.