The Plank - Student Life
Newly-elected Student Executive Council ready for 2021-2022 school year
After a day of voting and a run-off vote, students have elected the next Student Executive Council for the 2021-2022 school year.
Jesuit prepares for in-person graduation for Class of 2021
To honor its graduating seniors, Jesuit High School Sacramento will be holding its Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation for the Class of 2021 at Allworth Financial Stadium on May 21 and 22. Both events start at 7:30 pm.
Behind the camera: how Damian Brunton ’21 became a TikTok celebrity
After tearing his ACL while playing club soccer his freshman year at Jesuit High School Sacramento, Damian Brunton ’21 was at his lowest point — unable to pursue his passion of soccer for an extended period of time.
COVID-19 safe Senior Gala to bring seniors together as graduation draws closer
Jesuit High School Sacramento is holding a Senior Gala on Saturday, May 8.
The Senior Gala was created to serve as a replacement for the traditional Senior Ball, an event that could not be held this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
A one of a kind student, Peter Wisner ’21 makes his mark on Jesuit High School
Upon graduation, students at Jesuit High School Sacramento aim to embody the five principles of the Grad at Grad. One of the values, intellectual competence, is something few students personify as much as Peter Wisner ’21.
Jesuit students participate in the competition to create a perfect March Madness bracket
Every year during the month of March and going into April, millions of people in the United States tune into the NCAA March Madness tournament, a single-elimination tournament that includes 68 Division I college basketball programs.
Seniors invited to come together for “Racing into Senior Year” event
On Tuesday, April 13, Jesuit High School Sacramento seniors can attend the “Racing Through Senior Year” event at K1 Speed from 7 to 9 p.m.
Students talk about their plans for Easter Break
With the fourth quarter well underway and the 2020-2021 school year a little less than 2 months from being over, there is one thing on every student’s mind: Easter Break.
Jesuit to host annual auction this Saturday
On Saturday, March 27, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., Jesuit High School Sacramento will host its 49th Annual Jesuit Auction. The theme of this year’s event is“An Evening Under the Stars.”
Jesuit Sacramento Seniors Gather Together for Spirit Activity at Haggin Oaks
From 4:30-7:30 p.m. on March 2, Jesuit High School Sacramento held an open driving range session for the Senior Class at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex.
Counseling During COVID-19
Whether it is helping to acclimate incoming freshmen to high school or preparing juniors and seniors for college, counselors play an important role on the campus of Jesuit High School Sacramento.
Jesuit adapts Wednesday schedule for more student access and involvement
Ahead of the second semester, Jesuit High School Sacramento made a number of changes from the procedures used in the Fall. One of the major changes was to the weekly schedule, specifically how Wednesdays would operate.
Jesuit High School students enjoy the new additions to flex areas
Most Jesuit High School Sacramento students have a flex period, sometimes even two, in their schedule. While flex periods have always provided students with an opportunity to relax, to work on homework, and to study, this year’s students who are on campus are able to do one more thing: play.
Jesuit successfully adapts retreats amid COVID-19 disruption
Allowing students to reflect on the past, think about the future, and discover the person God is calling them to be, student retreats are part of what makes Jesuit High School Sacramento a life-building experience.
First-ever Bingo Night set to start new Jesuit tradition
On Thursday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m., Jesuit High School Sacramento will hold its First Annual Bingo Night.
Jesuit community invited to attend one-day Summit on Human Dignity
Each year, Jesuit High School Sacramento takes a week to look at and explore a current social justice issue. Past topics have included mental health and economic injustice while this year’s event is entitled, “The Road to Brotherhood: Striving to Grow as a Diverse Community.”
“Spring and Swing into Senior Year” unites the Senior Class with a socially-distanced event
Although the original date for the Senior Class golfing event was postponed from Nov. due to COVID-19 health concerns, the event has been rescheduled for tonight, Tuesday, March 2 under a new name, “Spring and Swing into Senior Year.”
Celebrating Black History Month within the Jesuit community
For 45 years, February has been celebrated as Black History Month. Also known as African American History Month, it is a time dedicated to the achievements and contributions of Black and African Americans.
Student Body President takes on extra responsibilities due to pandemic
The role of Student Executive Council President at Jesuit High School Sacramento has always been to promote efficient communication throughout the school, help maintain school spirit, and organize the student body so that they may act with one voice.
Jesuit community reflects on difficult 2020 and hopes for better things to come in 2021
2020 has often been referred to as one of the most difficult years in modern history. As the Jesuit High School Sacramento community starts the new year, they reflect back on 2020 and share their hopes for a better year in 2021.