Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, May 15, 2025.
  • Summer editions will be June 12 and July 10.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2025-2026 school year.

Weekly Update – March 21, 2024

Message from the Dean’s Office

Campus Safety Sweep: On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, we held our fourth routine campus safety check of the school year. These safety checks are completed in conjunction with our partners from K9 Proactive along with their trained search dogs and consist of a sweep of classrooms, locker rooms, offices, and the parking lot. The K9 Proactive dogs are trained to detect explosives, alcohol, gunpowder, prescription drugs that can be abused, illicit drugs, and other substances that are banned from school property.


Weekly Update – February 29, 2024

Parents – we are listening…please share your thoughts!

Jesuit is more than teachers and classes – we have a culture that is rigorous and caring at the same time. To keep your son strong and resilient during their four years of high school – we need to know how to care for them! 

Your comments in the Challenge-Success Family Survey will provide us with great insight.  This 20-minute online survey is open to parents/guardians through Sunday, March 3, 2024.


Weekly Update – February 15, 2024

Reminder from the Dean’s Office

Dress Code

This semester, we have seen a sizeable increase in dress code violations.  The dress code is one mechanism that is extremely helpful in our overall school safety plan since adherence to the dress code allows us to quickly differentiate our students from someone who we should engage to gather more information if we see them walking through our campus.  We ask that you please review the dress code policy on pg.


Weekly Update – November 30, 2023

A busy week is ahead for our Marauders as we move toward the last few weeks of the semester and the holidays.  We encourage you to come attend one of the many performing arts events or winter sports contests.  AMDG




Weekly Update – November 9, 2023

A busy week is ahead for our Marauders – and let us also take a moment to remember the service of our veterans as we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11.




Weekly Update – November 2, 2023

A message from the Administration about attendance around the holidays

As I am sure you have noticed (we know your sons have!), Jesuit takes the entire week off for Thanksgiving.  We made this change many years ago due to the consistently high absence rates in schools that hold classes on the Monday and Tuesday of this week. In an effort to both respect the need for travel to and from family events and to care for your sons who have reported experiencing significant academic stress as a result of missing days this close to the end of the semester, we added some days el