Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, May 15, 2025.
  • Summer editions will be June 12 and July 10.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2025-2026 school year.

Staying Connected – April 9

Welcome back!

We hope you had a restful Easter break. Please read these updates carefully, as the coming weeks have many events, deadlines, and opportunities. 

Bell Schedule for Testing Week 


Staying Connected – Mar 26

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends:

As we enter the final quarter of this unprecedented school year, we are shifting our focus now to the planning of our end-of-year events and the return of more activities, reflecting our county’s move into the red tier. We do this as we continue to provide in-person instruction for all students in the safest manner possible.  


Staying Connected – Mar 19

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends:

We hope you will be able to join us for our biggest “Party for a Purpose,” the 49th Annual Jesuit Auction, Saturday, March 27. This vital school tradition is not only our biggest fundraiser but the biggest social event!

There are plenty of ways to participate—from an in-person Preview Party on Friday to Saturday’s virtual fun on social media, complete with an Auction Kickoff Show.


Staying Connected – Mar 12
One year later

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends:

As we post this, our nation has been in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year. Today marks the day in 2020 on which we informed you that our school campus would close and we would shift to digital learning.

Throughout this past year, our country has experienced fear, anxiety, isolation, confusion, heartbreak and loss due to this devastating virus. We pray for those who have died because of COVID-19 and for their loved ones who mourn and grieve. 


Staying Connected – Mar 5

Spring is in the air! Our campus looks alive as new opportunities bloom in student activities and athletics. Alumni will soon be welcomed back for in-person Alumni Family Mass and the Class of 2021 graduation planning is in full swing with some exciting updates to share.

Read on for details and be sure to check the school calendar regularly as more activities will be added daily.


Staying Connected – Feb 19

We hope everyone had a restful mid-semester break. And now, we are back to school! Deadlines, events, and opportunities are included in this week’s Staying Connected.  


Staying Connected – Feb 12

Although it is only February, Jesuit Sacramento is already looking ahead on the calendar. Please find upcoming student activities, a fun lead-up event to the Jesuit Auction, and some exciting news about our Summer at Jesuit programs. 

We are pleased to announce Greg Harcos ‘89 as the new Director of Summer Programs and many of our summer offerings, including the high school classes, are already open for registration. 

Read more below and enjoy your holiday!


Staying Connected – Jan 29

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty and Staff,

As many in our Sacramento region are cleaning up from the storms, so is Jesuit High School. Our Building and Grounds team has been caring for the campus non-stop on our 56 acres since dawn on Wednesday so we are prepared to welcome you back to campus.  Today’s Staying Connected update is a bit of “housekeeping,” too, with reminders and announcements of some upcoming events.


Staying Connected – Jan 22

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty and Staff,

This last week has been full of the joy and life that we have been working so hard to provide for the last six months. Approximately 600 people were tested for each screening cycle in the most efficient and seamless process to date. Integrating this process into the daily experience has provided a layer of safety that our teachers, staff, students, and parents have come to appreciate. The screening program, combined with the other virus mitigation protocols, has allowed Jesuit to invite any student who chooses to return to campus to be able to do so five days each week.  


Special Testing Message
For those that missed the on-campus drive through PCR test

If you are receiving this message, Jesuit has noted that you are currently distance learning for one of two reasons:

  • Family Choice to Distance Learn: Many of you have proactively made the choice to have your student remain home and Distance Learn, and we will continue to support you as we move further into the second semester. If at a future time you wish your student to return to campus, please contact Meghan Blees for information on when the next Return to Campus Orientation will be held.
  • Student Missed PCR Test:  You missed or chose, at that time, not to participate in the all-school drive-through PCR testing opportunity and would like an opportunity to return to campus without waiting the additional two weeks. 

Staying Connected – Jan 8
Back on campus for second semester and academic planning underway for next school year

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty and Staff,

These timely details and reminders will help us in our return to school next week. We are ready to welcome our students back onto the campus for the full week!

Additionally, you will see important academic planning already underway for our students’ 2021-2022 class schedule.

As a reminder, these weekly communications are also posted to the website and the bundled items can also be searched for on the website.   


Staying Connected – Dec 11

Please read the information below for the finals week schedule, events and happenings for the week ahead. We wish our students and community the happiest of holidays, and we will keep you all in our prayers as we enter repetitions and finals week. May our students feel quiet strength, calm minds, and steady focus as they prepare for and take their exams. 





Staying Connected – Dec 4 – A time for reflection and preparation
We want to hear from you - end of Fall Semester Family Survey

Parents and Friends,

With the end of the semester approaching, it is time to evaluate and reflect on the current hybrid learning experience in preparation for the second semester. Your input is very important to us and, as such, we are asking that families respond to this survey by Wednesday, December 9. Your feedback will allow us to better understand your experiences and desires to help guide our plans for the Spring semester.