Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2023-2024 school year will be Thursday, May 17, 2024.
  • Summer editions will be June 13 and July 11.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2024-2025 school year.

Staying Connected – Sept 4
Student Life and Activities, a Valuable Part of Educating the Whole Person at JHS

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of Jesuit High School,

As we near completion of the first two full weeks of school, we are thankful for the hard work and adaptability of our students. They have quickly learned the distance-learning guidelines and requirements and familiarized themselves with teacher expectations and syllabi. Now, we are challenging our students to consider ways to expand their learning beyond the walls of the virtual classroom. In many ways, this call to be involved in the co-curricular life of the school challenges students to embody the Magis, which asks them to seek more and strive for the better, all for the greater glory of God.   


Staying Connected – August 27
Sharing Our Core Values

Parents, Students and Friends,

As Jesuit High School Sacramento has been reimagining its entire operation in response to the pandemic, we have been called to consider our core values to ensure that we do not lose what is most essential in this adaptive process. We must ask what distinguishes our particular brand of education and the character of our school while the format, scope, and context of our work shifts. One of these distinguishing core values is what we call the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP). This is our process or model of teaching; it shapes and informs not only what we teach, but how we teach it. The elements of this model, used in all Jesuit schools, offer a way of understanding how deep, transformative learning occurs. 


Staying Connected – August 7
We are ready!

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

First impressions are important, especially when we walk into something new. We are acutely aware that an online-only learning environment can be difficult for many students. With our school year starting with Distance Learning (DL), Jesuit Sacramento is conscious of caring for the whole person–cura personalis.


Staying Connected – July 31
The start of school

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Due to the current state of the coronavirus in Sacramento County and the requirements imposed by state officials, Jesuit cannot reasonably plan for in-person learning by the start of the school year. We are sure this comes as no surprise given the new school guidelines and 14-day COVID status timeframe we shared last week. 


Staying Connected – July 24
How Jesuit High School stands apart

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

As families continue to process and work through the challenges of the ever-changing landscape that the COVID-19 pandemic presents, we want to remind you:  we are in this together! This week’s message focuses on the multitude of opportunities that Jesuit High School Sacramento is uniquely positioned to provide despite the challenges of a pandemic.  We are undertaking a conscious and dedicated effort to continue to provide a well-rounded experience for our students and community.


Staying Connected – July 9
Safe Return Update & Survey
Welcome New Families
Participate in TeachAids Concussion Program

Parents, Students, and Friends, 

Today, we wanted to share an update on the ongoing work of the Safe Return Task Force and school leadership. Our draft of a comprehensive Safe Return Plan has been crafted based on the guidance and recommendations from dozens of agencies and organizations in the areas of public health, educational technology, and Catholic education. As we communicated in our previous message and webinar, this next step in outlining our Safe Return Plan will include Jesuit’s plan on protection and precautions (virus mitigation, face coverings, cleaning, COVID response, the science behind our framework, etc.).


Staying Connected – July 2
Communicating to our community

Parents, Students, and Friends, 

We were proud to share Jesuit Sacramento’s Academic Framework for a full return to campus in August. The framework will be our guide as we continue to adapt to this ever-changing situation. As we navigate the situation, we want to share our next steps in rolling out the details for our safe return.  And, thank you to the families that joined us this week for the first in our series of “A Look at Fall 2020” webinars. This session focused on the framework for Academic Return. If you were not able to attend, we encourage you to view the recording. During this session and in the pre-event RSVP, we received questions across a wide variety of topics and we made sure to note those for future webinars.


Staying Connected – June 26
The framework of a Jesuit Sacramento school day - an academic return


Parents, Students, and Friends,

As we have shared over the last 100 days, we frequently hear new information on how the pandemic has caused changes for families, businesses, and social traditions. Just as we assess and adapt at home with our families, we do here, as well, at Jesuit Sacramento. Through it all, one goal was always in front of us: to return to campus in August as ONE – one student body, one group of colleagues, one Jesuit High School. 


Staying Connected – June 18

Parents, Students, and Friends,

Jesuit Sacramento is continuing to move forward with a safe and responsible return to campus and looks forward to sharing our Task Force plans for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year with you next week. 

Today, we have a few items that are a part of the initial steps in getting ready — another group back on campus for summer, how to order dress code apparel with our online vendor, and information on participating in the fall Jesuit Drama production. 

God bless,


Staying Connected – June 11
JHS intends to safely return to school in August as planned.

Parents, Students, and Friends,

As we move through June, we are focusing our energy on the Safe Return Task Force and we want to keep you informed along the way. We received guidance from the California Department of Public Health this week and have consulted with local organizations and authorities. They have confirmed that we have the discretion to create a customized plan that is best suited for Jesuit High School Sacramento and our unique campus and context. 


Staying Connected – June 5

Parents, Students, and Friends,

We have a few updates as summer vacation begins for our families. 

Our weekly communications will continue throughout the summer, providing updates on returning to school as well as normal reminders and updates when we start our 2020-2021 academic year.

God bless,

Dr. Michael Wood, Ed.D.


Staying Connected – May 28

Parents, Students, and Friends,

As our 2019-2020 school year officially came to an end this week, our Jesuit Safe Return Task Force began its work, looking ahead for 2020-2021. Members of the task force are focusing on mitigating risk and making Jesuit High School Sacramento safe for students and staff to return to campus, and this focus encompasses all areas of our community. They are eager to incorporate your responses to the recent parent and student surveys about your COVID-19 remote experience, which provided needed insight as the task force prepares multiple scenarios for what may be a new education model.


Staying Connected – May 21

Image of an open classroom door and lockers.

Parents, Students, and Friends,

As much of the school community continues the celebration of the Class of 2020, Jesuit High School Sacramento is also preparing to welcome the incoming Class of 2024 and making plans to open school in August. Our top priority when we look ahead are our students. As we all await additional and specific guidance from the state and the county, I want to share our approach to reopening. As always, safety is a main focus in our plans to bring students and teachers back to campus. 


Staying Connected – May 14

Parents, Students, and Friends,

As we spend these last few weeks finishing up the school year in remote learning and celebrating our graduates, we are also working on what lies ahead. Thus, we are focusing a great deal of our attention on how we will safely return to campus in the summer and the fall. This is a significant undertaking that we have been monitoring and studying throughout our COVID-19 journey. Now, we formally begin planning.  


Staying Connected – May 7

Parents, Students and Friends,

As May arrives, the academic year is winding down and teachers and students are now preparing their final project and assessments. We are tremendously proud of our students and teachers, and we are grateful for the generous support of our parents. 


Staying Connected – April 9

Updates from all departments to carry us through the end of the academic year.

Blessings to you and your families as we enter into the Easter Triduum. It will likely come as no surprise that Jesuit must formally announce that we will not be able to return to campus for the remainder of this academic year. This decision was made based on guidance from both state officials and local health officials, and in coordination with other local school districts, all of whom have also extended distance learning through the end of the school year.


Staying Connected – Remote Learning Update for April 2

Good Evening,

We want to acknowledge and thank students, faculty, and staff for all you have done to support the school’s move to remote learning. This sudden and dramatic shift in our approach to teaching and learning has not been easy, yet we are heartened by so many people doing their best to make it work and to build community in the face of uncertainty. 

You have no doubt heard that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the California Department of Education, Tony Thurmond, stated on Tuesday, March 31, that, “Due to the current safety concerns and needs for ongoing social distancing it currently appears that our students will not be able to return to school campuses before the end of the school year.” 

We would love to be able to return to campus, but this emerging recommendation means we need to prepare for the possibility that we may not be able to return to campus for the remainder of the school year.