Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, May 15, 2025.
  • Summer editions will be June 12 and July 10.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2025-2026 school year.

Weekly Update – October 13, 2022

October is usually the time when many families finalize their holiday plans for November and December. We want to take this opportunity to strongly recommend that you plan vacations to coincide with the holiday breaks so your student does not miss school days or class time.


Weekly Update – September 29, 2022

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends:

October means we are kicking off admissions season, where we proudly share the mission of Jesuit High School and the incredible opportunities it affords our students. You, our current parents, and students are our greatest ambassadors, so I ask that you spread the word and invite prospective families to discover Jesuit! 


Weekly Update – August 25, 2022

It has been a wonderful start to our school year – faculty, students, and parents have spent time together at orientations, Mass of the Holy Spirit, and our freshman retreat. Student life and activities are now beginning, and our student-athletes are ready to head into competitions. Athletics is looking forward to another great year – with a record number of freshmen participating in sports! The frosh football team has 82 players! 


Summer Update – July 15

Parents and Friends,

The excitement for the start of the 2022-23 school year is growing, and our planning for the opening of school is nearly finalized. I am pleased to report that our staffing is fully complete. As we work to onboard the newest members of our faculty and staff, we also prepare to welcome over 275 freshmen into the Jesuit family. The physical campus is getting its final touches for our return with the new stadium field installed, half of the campus repainted, and four classrooms fully renovated as part of our annual classroom refresh project. 


Weekly Update – May 26

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff

Congratulations Class of 2022! A reminder to our returning families that we will switch to a monthly update over the summer—June 15 and July 15.

A few upcoming dates to keep in mind:


Weekly Update – May 12

Let us all remember to take a breath as we prepare for our finals week. This time of year is a bittersweet transition—we get ready to send forth our Class of 2022 as Men for Others, and we welcome our newest Marauders!  Class of 2026 don’t forget to check your Welcome page for events, info, and resources. A.M.D.G.


Weekly Update – May 5
Using good practices now to ensure we enjoy safe end-of-year events

Over the last few weeks, there have been reports of a small uptick in COVID cases throughout the Sacramento region and in a few local schools. As has usually been the case, we have also seen a similar uptick in cases reported amongst our community. 

We want to remind you of several key practices that can help everyone in our community to remain safe from COVID so we can enjoy and celebrate our upcoming events:

  1. Masking, particularly in indoor settings, is one way you can protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID. Please remember that masks are strongly encouraged but not required at school events.