Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, May 15, 2025.
  • Summer editions will be June 12 and July 10.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2025-2026 school year.

Weekly Update – October 28

Dear Parents,

A record-breaking storm, flooding, power outages, and social media at its worst, it’s been quite a week. We always do the best we can under unexpected circumstances that present themselves to us – and this week brought us several. We are grateful for your understanding, your confidence in our safety decisions, and your patience in working through the challenges of this week. As always, we are in this together. 


Weekly Update – October 7

Parents and students

Jesuit High School has been monitoring a recent rash of vandalism incidents that has had a negative impact on many middle and high schools in our county. Jesuit is no exception. This trend involves students “licking” or stealing or vandalizing school property and posting about it on social media.

Please read the full message from Dean Theodule.

We want to stress that stealing and/or vandalizing school property is a crime. This is a serious offense, and if a student is found to be stealing, in possession of stolen items, or vandalizing school property (including other people’s personal belongings) they will be subject to disciplinary measures, including suspension or expulsion, may be referred to the local police department for citation, and may be asked to pay for property repair.  


Weekly Update – September 30

October means that we are in the midst of admissions season where we spend countless hours preaching about the mission of Jesuit High School and the incredible opportunities that it affords our students. Our Admissions Team is doing excellent work as they attend school visits, organize shadow days, and prepare for our Future Marauder Open Campus event on Sunday, October 17. I am especially excited about the new innovations we have built into this year’s open house. We have activated more areas of the campus, offering greater opportunities for personal interaction and a hands-on feel of what it is like to be a Marauder. 

Our current parents and students are our greatest ambassadors, so I ask that you spread the word and invite prospective families to attend! This annual event is one of the most important for spreading the word about Jesuit High School and getting people on campus to hear our story and see what it means to form Men for Others.


Weekly Update – September 2
Timely Reminders Including Traffic, Mitigation and Upcoming Opportunities

MASKING – As we begin to see school closures locally and across the country, we want to continue to be attentive to our mitigation efforts. While most of our students have been excellent in their cooperation with wearing masks properly while indoors, our teachers and staff are finding that some students need a constant reminder. Students in this situation may be asked to leave the classroom and report to the Dean’s Office during class if they are in need of a constant reminder. We also ask that you help to make sure your son brings a properly functioning mask and a backup mask to school each day. 

TRAFFIC – Another good reminder as we begin to find our rhythm in this school year is ensuring you take sufficient time in the morning to avoid being tardy. As more schools begin to open and fewer families are carpooling, traffic seems to have increased throughout the area. Please account for possible traffic delays in your commute to ensure on-time arrival.

We once again want to thank our students and families for the manner in which you have partnered with Jesuit to maintain a safe and open campus.


M  Holiday | Labor Day
T  1-2-Comm-3-4 | Community Period Time, Counseling Frosh/Soph Parent Webinar
W C-5-6-7-1 | Collaboration, Booster Club Meeting, Loyola Guild Meeting, Senior Shirt Sale Deadline
TH  2-3-4-5-Comm | Community Period Time, Service & Justice Agency Fair and Supply Drive
F Mtg-6-7 | Department Meetings, Frosh/Soph Parent Counselor Coffee, Holy Bowl Rally, IFTJ Application Deadline 


Weekly Update – August 26

This is a good time to remind families of some basic expectations as they relate to our COVID mitigation. Please keep students home from school when sick and notify our school nurse of any positive cases or exposures in your family. This has been working well so far and we appreciate the support and communication from our families. We have seen relatively few cases in our school community since the start of the school year.

If we do start to see cases rise in our school community, Jesuit may ask that all students show proof of vaccine or provide a recent negative COVID test as an added layer of safety. Families will be notified in advance, will be given plenty of time to provide proof of vaccine or negative test. Using this tool as an occasional layer of mitigation will help us to be safe, minimize exposures and quarantines, and ensure that the campus can remain open for all students, faculty, and staff. Again, we share this as a possible option should the school feel it is a necessary step. 


M  1-2-3-4-5 | 
T  6-7-1-2-Comm | Community Period Time 
W C-3-4-5-6 | 
TH  7-1-2-3-Comm | Community Period Time 
F Mtg-4-5-6-7 | Faculty/Staff Faith Formation (school offices closed til 9:15), Last chance to request a schedule change 


Weekly Update – August 19

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! Below is your ‘Weekly Update.’ 


M  1-2-3-4-5
T  6-7-1-2-Comm | Community Period Time 
W C-3-4-5-6 | Juniors: Ground Crew | Seniors: Counseling B | Big Brother Training 
TH Liturgy*- 7-1-2-3  | Mass of the Holy Spirit Frosh/Senior NEW (*Soph/Jr late start)
F Liturgy*-4-5-6-7 | Mass of the Holy Spirit Soph/Junior NEW  (*Frosh/Sr late start)


Weekly Family Update – Aug 6
COVID policy reminders, orientations

Parents and Friends,

In this week’s update, we have some additional details and changes regarding our COVID-19 mitigation plans to start the school year, all informed by the Sacramento County Department of Public Health, California Department of Public Health, and CDC, and the state of the virus in the greater Sacramento community. We also share some important reminders for next week’s events and other information for the start of school.

We look forward to a good school year together at Jesuit!

Michael Wood ’99


Staying Connected – July 15
A back-to-school update and "tool kit"

Parents and Friends,

The excitement for the start of the 2021-22 school year is growing, and our planning for the opening of school is nearly finalized. I am pleased to report that our staffing is fully complete. With several new faculty and support staff joining us next month, the physical campus is getting its final touches for our full return. The enhancements to our many programs are being finalized. As we have stated before, we are confident that Jesuit High School will emerge from the experience of the last 17 months stronger than before. 


Staying Connected – June 15

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff:

We hope this finds all of you enjoying your summer! As today has been highly anticipated to hear details on how our state reopening will proceed, we want to provide you with a quick look at how this will affect schools. Here is a brief overview from our Safe Return Task Force:


Staying Connected – May 19

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff

We have so many things to celebrate! Read on for our announcement of awards for students—these awards include our seniors as well as a few for juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. We are also excited to share an upcoming opportunity this summer for our rising classes to hang out with their brothers on campus.



A few upcoming dates to keep in mind:


Staying Connected – May 14
Moving Forward, a Look at a Few Upcoming Events

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff

All around us are positive signs of Jesuit High School moving forward….Graduation ceremonies are in the final planning stages, underclassmen are taking their exams and ready to advance to their next class year, our newest Marauders are in the spirit, and our 2021-2022 school calendar is being populated with sports, collaborations, concerts, Masses and events. 

As we look to the new school year, I want to share with you some of the events that we are planning: 


Staying Connected – April 23

Dear Parents and Students -

This spring has been especially fulfilling for those of us on campus. Fr McGarry reminded the faculty and staff at our meeting this morning that spring is always a time for us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together. In addition to the joy of recently being able to experience the Eucharist in the Chapel for the first time this year, I have rejoiced in the increase of students on campus during the school day as well as the swell of extracurricular activities that has injected new life into campus.