The Plank - Student Life

Plank Article Jason De Guzman ’25

Let there be lights

Jesuit High School Sacramento has reached a key milestone in its endeavor to install stadium lights on the football field. At a hearing on Wednesday, June 4, 2024, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the installation of the lights, giving the go-ahead for a proposal that has existed since the fall of 2021. Jesuit has been working over the summer to fundraise for the construction of the four stadium lights, and as the school year begins, those permanent stadium lights are closer than ever to becoming a reality.

In the fall of 2021, Jesuit submitted Use Permit PLNP2021-00262, which marked the start of the school’s quest to acquire stadium lights. Over the next few years, the proposal went through a long county approval process filled with planning, analyzing, and communicating with neighbors. The proposal was finally set to be approved last March this year, but on the last day of public comment an appeal was filed and accepted by the county. So, a hearing was scheduled on June 4, which resulted in the long-awaited approval of the installation of stadium lights on the football field.

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

Learning the beauty of game design

Since Jesuit High School Sacramento’s computer science curriculum began offering Honors Game Development, the class has undergone immense changes.

Honors Game Development teacher Mr. Peter Strawn ’04 has taught computer science at Jesuit for six years. He teaches a broad scope of video game topics in the class, from their code to their visuals and everything in between.

“[Game development is] all about, in my mind, studying the art, science, design, and beauty of video games,” Mr. Strawn said. “From the basics of how they’re made, to understanding the mechanics of the games that students already play and to building things of their own creativity.”

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25 Matt Freeman ’25

Showcasing the harmony of teamwork

On Thursday, April 18, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Orchestra performed their spring season concert at the Phelan Chapel of the North American Martyrs, where they got the opportunity to showcase their teamwork and skill.

Samuel “Sam” Gegax ’25 is happy with the turnout and feedback from the audience and feels like the orchestra’s hard work paid off. 

Plank Article Milo Moggan ’26

Jesuit’s first original musical: “children&art: A Song Cycle”

Once finished, Jesuit High School Sacramento Drama’s 2024 spring production “children&art: A Song Cycle” will mark a first for the program: its first original musical. The cast for children&art met just nine weeks ago, having to write, produce, choreograph, and rehearse an entirely original show in under 90 days.

Children&art is inspired by students’ experiences during and after the pandemic. The production does not follow a linear plot, but rather a song cycle structure, made up of 10 individual songs which relate to the underlying theme of joy found through art. 

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

Open Mic Night to highlight talents for charity

On Friday, March 1, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC) will hold its eighth annual Open Mic Night event in the Fr. Harris Student Life Center. This is a chance for high school students from all over Sacramento to come show off their talents, socialize with friends, and enjoy a wide variety of foods prepared by student clubs.

Plank Article Brandon Curry ’25 Cooper Zarro '26

It’s in our blood to donate

Every two seconds in the United States, someone needs blood. Unfortunately, according to the American Red Cross, the number of blood donors in the country has hit a 20-year low. Blood is needed now more than ever, and thankfully, Jesuit High School Sacramento stepped up to answer the call. 

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

Tibetan monks visit Jesuit to spread compassion

On Wednesday, Jan. 17, Jesuit High School Sacramento received a visit from a group of Tibetan monks as a part of their Sacred Arts of Tibet Cultivating Compassion tour. Coming from Gaden Shartse Norling Monastery, these monks seek to raise money for their monastery and spread compassion to the people they meet throughout their journey.

Plank Article Cooper Zarro '26

“Lessons and Carols”: serve through song

This December, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s chamber choir will continue the decades-long tradition of hosting Lessons and Carols services. These performances are open to the whole Sacramento community and are a great way of getting into the Christmas spirit.

Plank Article Cooper Zarro '26

Shadow Days leave a lasting impact

Every year Jesuit High School Sacramento hosts Shadow Days when middle-school students can “shadow” a current Jesuit student to learn what a typical day at Jesuit is like. The impact it leaves remains long after the day is over, and for some Jesuit students, the impact still remains.

Plank Article John Covert '24

Jesuit’s annual Food Drive aims to deliver

Jesuit High School Sacramento is hosting its annual Food Drive between Nov. 27 and Dec. 8. Students can participate by volunteering or donating money and canned food. The proceeds from this event will go to Stanford Settlement’s annual winter drive to provide food for people in need over the winter season.

Plank Article Brandon Smalls '26

Mr. Loya marches the band forward

Band Director Mr. Michael Loya joins Jesuit High School Sacramento after working at Woodland High School for eleven years. As the new band director, he aims to build upon the band and lead it into a productive year.